Still Alive...

Jun 21, 2010 17:27

Gah -- just a quick LJ post to say that yes, we're still alive, though it feels like I haven't journaled in forever. My birthday trip to Salida was really fun -- we had a great time and even the rain couldn't stop us from partyin' it up on the ziplines... we took a short hike to a waterfall, too, and bummed around the very *interesting* art stores in downtown Salida. We also ate the most delicious french fries I have ever had in my life, and I finally convinced Shasta to try fish tacos, which she promptly fell in love with and now orders wherever we go...

But I didn't get any real photos, because I couldn't take my nice camera on the ziplines and my small digital camera has somehow been misplaced. *sigh* Will need to replace it soon! Shasta did take a few photos with her cell phone at the falls, so hopefully I can at least get those from her to share at some point.

Shasta's dad and uncle are currently in town, visiting from Amarillo, so we spent most of the weekend hanging out with them (though we managed to fit in some yard work before they arrived, and in true Meg-fashion I am currently sporting an impressive sunburn.) We also went to the Mile High Marketplace which was much better than I remember it being, and now I can't wait to go again! Shasta decided to skip Pride this year in favor of spending time with her dad (even though she really wanted to go to Pride...) and she spent all day today washing his car and making him healthy food. It doesn't get any sexier than a woman who loves being good to her family. *gringrin*

I made my dental visit, and now I have another appointment this weekend for an Invisalign consultation -- the dentist says he thinks they may be able to reduce my overbite (I have a BIG overbite) without having to break my jaw and wire it shut like I've always been told would be necessary. That would be AWESOME -- and even better, after reviewing my insurance policy I think my insurance will pick up at least half the tab. Oh how I WISH I could put Shasta on my insurance!! :( She needs so much dental work and is having to save up for it right now because she doesn't have insurance of her own. *sigh*

I've been having awful dreams the last few nights, which is strange because my life right now is the happiest that it has ever been! But I've been having really emotionally disturbing dreams about losing it all, or about never having found it in the first place... The dreams end up scaring me awake in the wee hours of the morning and I have to cuddle up to Shasta in order to fall back asleep. *sigh* I wonder if it's just because I really do feel so happy and lucky that it seems like it must be too good to be true? Or if my subconscious is trying to prepare me to be capable of losing everything, because I've gotten so happy that it's made me especially vulnerable? I don't know, but I sure hope these dreams go away soon, they're not fun.

We're losing our receptionist at work on July 1st, so we have no time to hire a new one before our current one leaves. This means I will be doing the work of two people until we hire a new clerk -- and then doing the work of three while I train the new person, because I won't be able to do my own work OR the clerk work while I'm busy training him/her. This very likely means I'm going to end up working some really, really late hours in the next couple months, and I'm not looking forward to it. Wish it could have happened in the winter, because I don't mind staying late when it's dark and ucky outside. But when there's still a chance I might make it home and enjoy a little sunlight, it's an extra bummer.

I told Shasta though, I think I am going to take a vacation in August -- like... five whole days. :3 I NEVER take that much time off just to have fun; it's always because I have a place I need to be or a family event or something. I want to take some time off to do stuff I actually *want* to do. I have no idea what stuff that is yet, of course :P but I'll definitely come up with something...

So tired ... headed home now to food, yoga, shower and sleeeep...

dentist, family, birthday, vacations, dreams, pride, ziplining, summer, amarillo, love

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