We found a buyer for Shasta's car last night, finally. It turned out to be something of a sketchier situation than even what we're used to in Craigslist transactions -- he took the bus to meet us in an empty parking lot near our house, drove the car around a lot, talked Shasta into a lower price than what she really wanted and handed over the money, but then asked a bunch of other questions as if he wasn't sure and asked Shasta to go home and bring him additional paperwork. Then it was like pulling teeth to get him to put his signature on the bill of sale even though he assured us he needed and wanted the car. *sigh* We finally got home at around 9:30, and then Shasta got another call from him after 10 PM. She didn't answer, and he didn't leave a message -- I'm wondering if he's going to call her again today. Ugh.
But at least the car was sold, and we can pay off the down payment that we put on my credit card, and take it off of our insurance policy. You know, in general I've always had excellent Craigslist experiences, but this was the first time we experienced one that was quite so unsavory. O.o
We've been getting the "how's married life?" question a lot lately, of course. :P The answer, as is probably expected, is that it's not really much different than pre-married life -- we still have the same work and bills and needs and wants and hobbies and projects that we did before the wedding. But I have to say, there is a subtle difference that we've both been noticing lately. For example, we just bought two really big-ticket, expensive items (Shasta's new car and our bedroom furniture) that I'm not sure we would have been so comfortable purchasing if we didn't have this new sense of marital commitment in our lives. Since our wedding wasn't legal, I find it really interesting that both of us sense a concreted commitment to each other nonetheless. It just reinforces what I've always believed -- that governmental recognition does not a marriage make!
I took Friday off of work so we can embark upon birthday adventures, and I'm really looking forward to having a three day weekend -- Shasta and I could really use some non-wedding-related, non-house-related, pure-fun-together-time. We plan on a hike and a
visit to the hot springs in addition to
ziplining and
B&B fun; we'll even get home in time to spend all of Sunday together as well (though we may end up beginning demolition on our bathroom on Sunday... maybe.) Also, I have been promised a birthday cupcake. *^^*