I'm squeezing in time for a quick post, even though right now I don't really have much time to squeeze, but I know I haven't posted in a while... So here are the vital updates in bullet points.
* Spent ten long, LONG days in Amarillo with Shasta's family over Thanksgiving.
* Spent most of those ten days cleaning and scrubbing a hopelessly yucky house. :(
* Finally came home to our own house and did more cleaning.
* Didn't get to have the coming-out conversation with Dad; that's pending for this weekend.
* We are only 5 months from the wedding and I'm freaking about getting all the sewing done.
* Have also been bitten by the writing bug at the *most* inconvenient time, but can't stop thinking about my second Ithyria book... for the first time in two years I actually feel inspired, and of course it's right when I have NO TIME.
* Crazybehind at work as I came back to a huge stack of fires I had to put out.
* Shasta's gotten a few really, really big package deals and suddenly has lots of money, so she may finally be able to get her eyes examined and her dental work done!!
* Right now mostly a bundle of nerves and stress. :(
* Love my woman very much.
Have pictures of Shasta's birthday trip to the zoo, Shasta's parents' anniversary celebration, and my first retro sewing project taken. The first two will take forever to post as I have so many pics to process, but here is my little 50's style party dress, front and back:
That's all for now... hopefully I'll have some breathing room soon for a better entry!