Yesterday I spent my lunch break at
Discount Tire, racking up a hefty credit card bill to have studded snow tires put on my new little car. I had to buy four new wheels AND four new tires, because they don't make snow tires that fit on the fancy big wheels that the car came with. :( On the plus side, though, it's free to have them switch out the tires every season because all they have to do is remove one set and slap the others on without having to pull the tires from each wheel and remount them...
Anyway, as it turns out, I got the new tires just in time, because my drive home was nasty --- blowing snow, cold, low visibility, yuck. This is the first time I've ever had to have snow tires on my car, but with this little bitty lightweight Yaris snow tires are pretty much a MUST. Especially since we'll be driving down to Amarillo next month, and last year on our drive home we got caught in the worst ice storm I have ever had the terrifying misfortune of driving through. O.o And I absolutely LOVE my new little car, I'd be devastated if anything happened to it!!
But, because the tires were so expensive, a good chunk of the extra house money left over from our re-roofing is going to have to cover my credit card bill... bummer. Which reminds me that I need to call the fencing companies and have them come out and start giving us estimates so we at least know what price tag we'd be looking at -- I'm hoping maybe there will still be enough left over to get a fence put around our backyard?
Shasta went to her football game last night, which meant I barely saw her at all yesterday -- I got off work, went to the grocery store, came home, unloaded everything and whipped up a quick dinner (chicken breasts, brown rice and corn on the cob) which she ate really fast and then had to dash out the door. By the time she got home I was already in bed! But, I did take this coming Monday off, so I promised her we'd have a nice three day weekend to spend some time together and make up for all the ships-passing-in-the-night stuff that's gone on this week. :P
I also did end up ordering a 50 pack of yellow butterflies, and a 50 pack of light blue, from
Clear Cut Crafts. The lady there said she could put together a pack of the palest blue designs she has, so I guess we'll see how they turn out once they arrive. I suppose if I don't like them enough to use them for bouquets or the dress I can always attach them to the invites! :) I just really like how realistic they look in the photographs. I hope they turn out that pretty in real life. ^^
As usual when the seasons change I start craving a new wardrobe. Topping my wish list right now are cute sweaters, wool skirts and pants, thick tights, and boots. Oh, and a new winter coat, because I'm always wearing my coat into the Human Services building where my bosses "live" and they're always dressed so well and I feel sort of dumpy in my XXL coat (bought it at Target on clearance for $15, but it's way too big and looks really sloppy on me.) Anyway, lots of things I want but I tend to be such a cheapskate when it comes to buying clothes. I probably ought to make another trip to Ross here soon and see if I can find anything good for winter?