Mood Theme: Jackson Rathbone

Jul 24, 2008 13:19

132 moods
Pixel size: 80x40
File Type: GIF

Before I leave for vacation tomorrow (I won't have internet access until August 10, so no new posts from me until then), I present you my first ever mood theme. This is what happens when I have to compensate for the lack of Jacksper news/images and to satisfy my obsession. I hope you'll like it. :)

Install Instructions
Note: These are also included in the read me file.

1. Download the zip file. Upload the contents of the extracted "jackson mood theme" folder to your own image host.

2. Point your browser to

3. Paste the following into the box:

moodtheme_create "{insert mood theme name here}" "{insert description of the theme here}"

4. Hit execute and be sure to remember the number it gives you (do not close the page for we need it later)

5. Open up the mood.txt file and replace the following:

a) replaceID with the number you were given in step 4

b) with the url of the graphics you've uploaded in step 1

6. Now go back to your open admin console page. Copy everything from your edited moods.txt file into the box there and hit execute.
You should now get a "codes accepted" success. If not, please re-try.

7. Now just change your mood theme in the Customize Journal Theme page and you're done!

picture credit:,, my own caps

jackson rathbone, mood theme, ! janine83

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