Dec 18, 2005 00:35
So Today was the day from hell for me. My alarm nexer rang this morning so i was an hour late to work. I already have four dogs there. Then all day i was rushing to finish my dogs, do nail trims, and make the neverending appointments since we can't turn dogs away. The week from hell is coming i can feel it. It was really funny i was walking out of work today to go get Kimber and Steve ( a stocker) came up to me and started talking to me. I didn't even realize he was talking to me until he was almost done. I felt bad but the funny thing is Pat told them at the meeting not to even think about talking to us because we are soo busy.
I'm going to groom school the end of January and we have a grooming manager so i think i'm going back to Rochester for training. Which is good and bad at the same time :/.
My grandma and I made some Christmas cookies tonight. We are giveing them to like 20 people and we have a bunch more to make tomorrow. It should be fun.
ITs these cold winter nights that i wish i had someone to cuddle with.
I have a bunch going thorugh my mind but i'm not focusd enough to sit down and write it so i guess i'm going top go lay in bed.
Maybe if i'm lucky i'll have another Matt dream ;)
its just one of those days.