poopy day

Jan 14, 2005 16:08

So this morning started off with my doors being frozen which required me to do so hard work opening it whell being half asleep still. boo for that! Got to school and thought it was taking a long while for my lights to go out in my car but went into school anyways. John walks in a few min l8er and informs me they were still on. BOO couldn't get outta winnies to go turn them off, prayn at this point the battery won't run out. Gave my keys to eric cause he volunteered to go out n check during his second hour... what a pal! then had ta go di sect a baby pig for the 3rd day in a row n bio 2, kinda made me sad, and since im the offical di sector of mine and angels group, it made it worse. Eric and Luke came n brought me back my keys on a unsuccessful mission out to my car cause paul the security grade is a jerk! thanks for braving the cold for me though fellas! your dolls! then well nothing much more happened besides it just being a not fun day. going out tonight for my sisters like "going back to school" dinner. outback <--- yuck! imma miss her when she goes back. don't know what im doing tonight, im a loser and will prolly just come home. well hopefully ryan "big mo fo dome and i love him for it!" daisy will have my new kick butt back round up. all for now, gotta get ready for dinner.

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