Although simple, last night was somewhat refreshing. Bud Matt and Sarah's is my oasis. Jackass 2 was fucking funny and the people who surrounded me at the theater and mostly afterwards gave me a sigh of relief that shit, things can still be cool sometimes. I guess everyone isn't as inhumane as i was starting to think they were. When i say last year around this time was the best time of my life, i mean it directed to the nights and parties and the lives we were part of at the Party Awesome house. Things felt really, really good then. I had faith in something, although i still dont know what that was. But i felt positive awesome energy and passion for something above seeing which one of us could throw ourselves down the porch the hardest or get the most punches in in a boxing match. I hope we can reclaim that energy and find positivity and awesome drunks in eachother again this winter. I do know how to fucking ramble, it's Sunday, I go to school tomorrow. FUCK!