Jul 26, 2006 22:13
Guess who at string cheese and pumpkin bread today? I did! How pathetic, I'm actually excited about eating solids. No need to fear, I'm feeling slightly better and soon will get to my entire list of food, which will be awesome. Another food to add that I have no crazving for but will only add because I'm going to make it is a lovely, triple chocolate cheesecake as a "thank you brenson for keeping me company and in good spirits while I wanted to die from the agony" present. I've never made cheesecake before, but when I came across the recipe, how could I resist?
The bad news? I found out I'm gone the 12-20 of August. On a move in my sister/ visit a college/ shop in chicago/ go to a wedding trip. Hitting two birds with one stone? That's nothing. Oh, yea, it sounds mildly pleasant, if you count out everything but the shopping, except for the fact that some colleges start the 21st and/or a lot of seniors are leaving around this time so I might miss them. Its crap.
Not much I can do about it except head for bed. Tomorrow I have an echocardiogram AND a haircut. Exciting, I know, especially because I have to miss Defiance Ohio. Bitch.