Fan Fiction

Jan 24, 2007 16:51


Title: Enough
Rating: T
Genre(s): Angst/Romance
Summary: She had been flattered and proud when he had gone in the end with his reason. Now the scattered traces of fear and regret pieced themselves together. Sakuno blamed herself for the loss.

Characters/Pairings: Niou, Sakuno, Niou/Sakuno, Yagyuu, Sengoku
Warnings: Character death

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis; it's all written for fun and no profit whatsoever.

*FanFiction.Net may not be working properly (as its been brought to my attention), since this link has worked on and off for me. So just type in (without the spaces, of course): w w w . f a n f i c t i o n . n e t / ~ g a r o w y n (if you still want to read it), and it's the first story at the top.

If you do happen to read it, it'd be nice if you left a review there, but even a reply to this post is fine. Thanks if you do read it.

(Also posted to: court_ladies and tenipuri. Sorry if this shows up more than once for you.)


pairing - niousaku, fanfiction

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