(First Posted: 14 December 2006)
Title: Being Cute
Author: JE /
immortaljePairing: House/Chase
Summary: House is being called cute
Rating: FRC
Beta: None
Words: 100
AN: I originally wanted to call it Shock Value, but realised this title fit much better. Also... this was intended as humour, so please forgive me if House is a bit OOC.
Being Cute
Wilson: “You know, the way you just talked to the patient and held her hand was real cute.”
“Can you believe it? Wilson said I was cute for speaking with the patient personally. I’m not cute. I can’t...,” cried House on Chase’s shoulder.
Chase patted House’s back and answered, “Of course you’re not cute. You’re menacing and gruff and...”
“Cute! Wilson wouldn’t lie to me. What can I do...,” muttered House among sniffs.
On the inside, Chase smirked. The $10 he paid Wilson to tell House he was cute had so paid off. Maybe he should have given him more.