Fic: Need

Aug 20, 2009 05:20

Title: Need
Pairing: Akame, Pikame
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Author’s Notes: Just a quick one-shot I was thinking about last night since I couldn’t go to sleep. It’s angst, so be prepared. LOL. By the way, even if this is already late (like one month late), I’d like to thank everyone who greeted me on my birthday last month :D Thank you! I really appreciated it! d(^o^)b
Summary: He doesn’t want to let him go, he never does. But he knew, they both knew, that he has to. Written in Jin’s POV.


We are sitting across each other inside the coffee shop. But for me, it wasn’t just any coffee shop, it was the coffee shop that made me realize before that I’m in love with you. It was the coffee shop we usually go to whenever we have problems.

And here we are again, in the same coffee shop serving us with the same coffee we both love, or at least until the last time we were here.


I gazed at your brown orbs, and your pale face that was framed with your dark locks, and people can’t understand why I love you? Ridiculous. But I knew it wasn’t just because of your physical aspects, there was something more to that. Something more that people won’t understand unless they spent time with you the same way I did, but I highly doubt they could ever achieve more than the years we have been together.

“Why?” My voice croaked. The last time I sounded like this was when you chose to leave us and to go and pursue Shuji to Akira with him; that was the time I knew that I was losing you bit by bit. But now my voice was a bit different. I could hear my voice filled with pain, desperation and hopelessness, and I knew you could hear it the same way too.

You just looked down on me, thinking it was too late for any more questions but how could that be? How could I run out of questions when you have never given me an answer?

“Kame…” I whispered your name and sighed. My coffee left untouched on the table as I continued to look at you and your sad face that seemed to mirror mine.

Silence engulfed the atmosphere and I don’t know what else to say. I suddenly heard the ringing of your phone and I knew it was him again. I sighed again and I saw you not answering your phone.

“Why?” I asked again.

“He needs me,” I finally heard your voice but your answer made me more disappointed.

“I love you,” I confessed. But this wasn’t the first time I did, you know I confessed to you many times but whatever answer you give me, I can’t find myself to stop my feelings.

I know. Those words hung from your lips and I knew you were going to say those words again.

“I love you too,” You told me again. But it breaks my heart even more when you say it again. I know I should be happy with that response but how could that be when you’re with him?

I know. This time, I’m the one who thinks that.

“Then why?” I asked again, I know you know what I was talking about.

“I love him. I need him.”

And with those words, I knew I had to let you go, no matter how much I don’t want to.


Author’s Notes: *gets bricked* Sorry if it sucked. T_______T And I haven’t been around in awhile because school’s really bugging me. Erg.

Comments please :]

pairing: pikame, genre: drama, fic: need, genre: angst, fic: oneshot, group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, rating: pg

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