Title: Written Fate Pairing: Akame Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor, Angst Disclaimer: Original plot, band names and characters are not mine. Author’s Notes: For
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Ehem! Okay, first of all... congrats for the first chapter! I like it so much! I knew about Gravitation, but never once I read the manga or watch the anime since my brother don't like BL. He likes ecchi and yuri things, lol! XDD
I'm really expecting the next chapter of this. I want to read it until the end, even if I must spend most of my money. XDDD
Thanks, I'm glad you did. :) Really? There was a time before that I watched that yaoi anime with my brother and he didn't say anything. Haha. Yuri? Nah. I'm not much of a man of those. Haha.
Spend most of your money? I don't get it. XDDD Thanks for reading anyway. :D
I mean, even if I must fo to the cyber cafe everyday. Since I don't have internet connection in my home PC, so I spend most of my day (and money) in cyber cafe.
Yup, my second brother love yuri. Especially lolita yuri. I saw one of his collection hentai video, and one of it is lolita sex. *shudders* XDD
Ehem! Okay, first of all... congrats for the first chapter! I like it so much! I knew about Gravitation, but never once I read the manga or watch the anime since my brother don't like BL. He likes ecchi and yuri things, lol! XDD
I'm really expecting the next chapter of this. I want to read it until the end, even if I must spend most of my money. XDDD
Thanks, I'm glad you did. :) Really? There was a time before that I watched that yaoi anime with my brother and he didn't say anything. Haha. Yuri? Nah. I'm not much of a man of those. Haha.
Spend most of your money? I don't get it. XDDD Thanks for reading anyway. :D
Yup, my second brother love yuri. Especially lolita yuri. I saw one of his collection hentai video, and one of it is lolita sex. *shudders* XDD
Really? O.O? W-Wow. I can't even handle yuri kiss, not to mention them having sex. XDDD LOL.
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