(no subject)

Apr 09, 2005 21:39

i haven't updated like good in ferever so im gunna do it

YESTERDAY: was the show...which was fabulous i guess. i mean it was fun coz i totally embaressed myself and wore a duck mask fer one of the dances but yah over all it wuz pretty dam good. I went to gay school and then to RACHELS with MICHELLE and KELSIE and MISSY and i haven't hung out with MICHELLE er RACHEL in fer ever so that wauz cool. funniest thing ever---missy "DANA YOU CAN'T BRING THE CHAIR IN THE BATHROOM" haha okay well u had to be there. after i went home and me and missy got ready and went to the show. then i went to michelle's house coz it was her birthday and slept there and we watched the movie BOATTRIP and it was funny.

TODAY: my mom picked me up at like at 11:30ish er w/e from michelle's house. i went home and my cousin Bobby was there and he lives in CALI so we went out to lunch at ruby tuesday. then i called melissa michelle kelsie and rachel and they came over and we went tanning for like 2 hours. then we walked to jasons and his dad scared the shit out of us and we wore no shoes coz we're stupid and our feet hurt
then we went home and i got all cowboyish and ready because i hadd a BBG thingy to go to. it was a lot of fun we played these like games err w/e and hung outt with this canadian guys chapterr and schtufff.
it ended like earlyish so its only like 9:47 and so melissa's coming over to sleep overr<33 if you wanna hang out with usss juss call 5358623...were gunna have a PURRTTAAYY

its okay to be angry and never let go
it only gets harder the more that u know
when u get lonely if no ones aroundd
u no that i'll catch u wen ur falling down
we came together but u left alone
and i kno how it feels to walk out on ur own
maybe someday i will see you again
you'll look me in my eyes and call me ur friend
empty apartment
yellow card<33

comment coz u love me<3
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