The Potion Makerlove_monsterium is a translucent, grainy purple powder siphoned from the feet of a Snark that eats the Tum-Tum tree.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern
The Potion Makerlove_monsterium is a translucent, grainy purple powder siphoned from the feet of a Snark that eats the Tum-Tum tree.blurredcolourium is an opaque, oily yellow liquid obtained from the sap of the mountain iris.Mixing love_monsterium with blurredcolourium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a translucent grey potion which gives the user the power of incredible speed.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern
The Potion Makerlove_monsterium is a translucent, grainy purple powder siphoned from the feet of a Snark that eats the Tum-Tum tree.peachy_keenessium is a cloudy, lumpy brown solid culled from the lungs of a vampire.Mixing love_monsterium with peachy_keenessium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque peach potion which gives the user protection from death.Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern
Sweet, now I can swim in that mob of crazed Gackt fans and piss them off with no problems and fight his body guards and...
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Sweet, now I can swim in that mob of crazed Gackt fans and piss them off with no problems and fight his body guards and...
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