Fruits Basket Fanfiction

Nov 14, 2005 20:25

This is a new Fanfiction folks, it's a Fruits Basket one, i hope you enjoy it ^^

All information needed is behind the cut:

(PS: there are quite a lot of spoilers in the summary and well yeah the fict, just to let you know ^^)

I don’t know about most, but I feel that Fruits Basket isn’t all that well known and therefore would stray away from reading this because they know nothing about it, so I have made a small summary to help with this ^^

**WARNING: this summary (and character summaries) contains spoilers**

Fruits Basket Summary:

Fruits Basket (or sometimes referred to as ‘Furuba’) is basically about Tohru and the Sohma family. Tohru is a high school student that lost her mother on May 21st previous of when the anime starts, her grandfather has left her on her own because the his house is being renovated. She told her grandfather that she was staying with a friend, but really wasn’t so she had to live in a tent. Her home (tent) happened to be on Sohma property, and she meets some Sohmas at a house she finds. She uncovers their secret (they turn into Zodiac animals) but accepts it, and one of the members asks her to be their house maid (which is fine with her). Each episode (almost) she meets a new Zodiac family member.

Character Summaries:

Yuki Sohma (16): Yuki is the year of the Rat, he is intelligent and sporty. He likes to annoy Kyo (whom he hates). He has strong feelings for Tohru.

Kyo Sohma (16): Kyo is the year of the Cat; he is a rebellious youth and has a short temper. The Cat isn’t in the Zodiac, the reason why he is rebellious and angry most of the time, and also the reason why Yuki hates him. He hates Yuki and wants to fight and defeat him. He also has strong feelings for Tohru.

Shigure Sohma (27): Shigure is the year of the Dog; he is friendly and poetic (and a bit of a perv). He is the legal guardian of Yuki and looks after Kyo. He has grown quite attached to Tohru, and her cooking.

Hatsuharu Sohma (15): Hatsuharu (or more commonly referred to as Haru) is the year of the Ox (cow), he is friendly and well spoken, but get on his bad side and you will regret it. Haru has a sort of split personality, when he gets angry he becomes ‘Black Haru’ (evil). He is mostly good though and quite gentle. He has feelings towards Yuki.

Hatori Sohma (27): Hatori is the year of the Dragon (though his form is a seahorse); he is quite mysterious and can be quite cold. He is the family doctor and often comes to Shigure’s house to visit or help a sick member.

Tohru Honda (16): Tohru is the main character of the anime/manga; she is in the year of the dog. She is gentle and somewhat doted and clumsy, but she has a good heart and is very selfless. She loves all of the Sohmas like her own family and likes to meet new ones.

Other Characters (not in the anime/manga, original to me):

Uru Sohma (20): Uru is in the year of the Dog; he is quite ambiguous most of the time, tending to change his personality suddenly to suit the situation. He doesn’t have a definite way of speaking or acting, it depends on the person/people he’s talking to or the situation. He is however extremely polite to girls/women whether he likes them or not.

Kishou Sohma (8): Kishou is in the year of the Rabbit; like Momiji, he is happy and bright and tends to annoy, but he is a very sweet and understanding young boy. Unlike Momiji, he acts his ages as he is only 8. He clings to Uru like a big brother, Uru doesn’t mind.

I hope that sorted a few things out ^^ now here’s the fict:


Uru paused and stared at the neat beams of light strung across his bedroom ceiling as his eyes gently fluttered open; he sighed and rose in his bed taking care to shield his eyes from a bright beam that was seeping through a hole in the curtain. Today is going to be a good day, this I know. He thought and smiled, getting up he stretched and walked to the drawer that was exploding with clothes, he wasn’t much of a tidy sort. He was going to put on a sweatshirt and jeans but he didn’t even want to think about finding them. Turning his attention to the door he heard the front to slam, it was probably his mother leaving to go to work. Hardly leaving time to blink he opened the door and ran downstairs to the kitchen to the clothes rack, there he found a long sleeved T-shirt and some pants. They were still a bit damp so he decided to eat breakfast first, which he was also dreading. He couldn’t cook to save himself and he hated the available cereal. He sighed. Why did I have to sleep late? Why didn’t mom wake me is a better question. It was Saturday morning so he figured that she was just giving him some more time to sleep, cracking his neck he walked back to the rack where the clothes were, he didn’t notice the large brick that was on the floor and managed to trip, scratching the length of his arm. Grimacing a little he stared at his forearm and the blood that was started to speckle in the torn skin, it wasn’t that bad, only took off a few layers. He cursed at the brick, and then put his clothes on. He felt very cold, he wished that his mother had woke him so he could give her a hug before she left, feel her warmth. He walked into the hall and picked up the phone, before becoming annoyed and having to seek the phonebook for the desired number. While he was standing listening to the ringing he frowned and pouted. What the hell is a brick doing in the middle of a kitchen floor!? That’s freakin’ dangerous!

“Hello, Sohma residence, Shigure speaking.” Uru jumped at the sudden voice in his ears.

“Shigure, it’s me Uru. You wouldn’t mind if I came over today would you?”

“Ah Uru! My, this is quite unexpected! But no not at all it will be a pleasure to see you after all this time! Just drop by when you get the time.” Uru nodded to himself and said okay, then proceeded to put the phone down and stop for a moment to ponder. He would enjoy meeting Shigure again, although Yuki was another story. Shigure was always such a warm character despite his misfortune, but Yuki had always been cold. Uru shivered at the thought of Yuki, he knew that he was living with Shigure; he supposed he would just have to put up with him. Sighing he grabbed his CD-player and house-keys, he also grabbed his hat and walked out of the front door being sure to lock it behind him.


Shigure smiled as he put the phone down, he hadn’t seen Uru for such a long time. Kyo nosily poked his head past the door of his room to look at Shigure.

“Who was it?”

“Oh no one, I have some things I need to do today so I’ll be gone for most of the morning.” Kyo made a disgruntled face but nodded and withdrew back into his room sliding the door shut. Shigure smiled, it had been a long time since any of them had seen Uru; it would be quite interesting to see how he had changed. Walking downstairs he bumped into a half asleep Yuki.

“Oh good morning Yuki, have anything planned for today?” Yuki blinked and rubbed his eyes.

“I don’t believe so, why?” Shigure smiled, shook his head and walked on; it would probably take all day for Uru to get there, regardless of where he lived. First he would go to the store and get some jelly buns, and then he would buy Uru a present. Yuki just looked on at Shigure, what was he so happy about? It didn’t matter to him at that moment in time; he was too tired to think about it properly. Getting up to the top step he came face-to-face with Kyo who simply glared at him.

“You’re blocking my path you stupid cat.”

“You’re blockin’ my path ya damn rat!” Kyo then saw Tohru walking to the bottom of the stairs, he would have to move now or he would be blocking her path too. He gritted his teeth and gave up, removing himself from the top step and letting Yuki pass, Yuki didn’t say anything, just smirked and went on his way. The only trouble was that when Yuki got to his room and climbed back into bed he didn’t feel much like sleeping anymore, Kyo had woken him up. Tohru smiled at Kyo as she reached the top step.

“Good morning Kyo, did you rest well?” He grunted and gave a slight nod, suddenly feeling uncomfortable he began to tap his foot; he was now being blocked by her, but he supposed that it wasn’t nearly as bad as being blocked by Yuki. Kyo had originally ventured out of his room to use the toilet, but found that the upstairs toilet wasn’t working so he needed to use the downstairs one. After his encounter with Yuki he had found he needed quite badly, but now he felt as though he would wet himself if he didn’t go quickly. Tohru was just yammering on about the weather, he could feel himself losing it, and also losing his bladder control.

“GODAMMIT MOVE! I NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET!!” Tohru yelped and jumped out of the way.

“Sorry sorry!” she called after him as he ran down the stairs and outside. He now knew what she was blabbing about the weather, it was thunderous. When he was finished he stopped and looked outside, it really was terrible weather. He found this odd as it had become this way in the matter of about 30 minutes. He sighed and made his way back inside, how he hated this kind of weather. Tohru spotted him and bowed as he came closer.

“I’m sorry about earlier it’s just-”

“I know, you were just worried about me, it’s okay.” He said and looked the other way, Tohru smiled and nodded. Yuki watched from the top of the stairs, he had nothing to do. It was then that he heard the front door opening. He made his way downstairs and stopped as he saw who it was.

“Oh, hello Haru we weren’t expecting you.” Haru shook his head to dry it slightly, he was dripping.

“I know, sorry to drop by so suddenly.” He walked over to Yuki, taking his hand and smiling. Yuki just sighed and pushed his hand away gently, to this gesture Haru simply tugged on Yuki’s sleeve. Kyo stared at Haru in slight disgust while Tohru ran to him happily, but also concerned.

“Haru! You’re really wet aren’t you? Please take your coat off and I’ll go get you a towel.” She said bowing and then ran off; Kyo’s eyes followed her and then looked back to Haru.

“What’re you doin’ here?”

“I just wanted to come round is that a crime?” he asked taking off his coat and putting it on a hook. Tohru came back with a big white towel and showed him into the living room. Haru took the towel and smiled saying thank you.

“But seriously Haru, why are you here? The weather is really bad why would you come all this way?” Haru covered his head with the towel and ruffled it gently in an attempt to dry his hair.

“I heard something….not sure how it got out but….I heard that Uru is on his way.” Kyo and Yuki sat mortified while Tohru simply tilted her head.

“Aw no! What’s he coming here for?!” cried Kyo.

“How did you find out?” asked Yuki. Haru lifted the front of the towel too look at them.

“A little bird told me….or rather….a little dog…called Shigure.” Kyo gritted his teeth.

“That bastard! He must have called Uru and asked him to come over!” Yuki pondered a little, Shigure wouldn’t call him and he was sure that he said something about losing the number ages ago. He shook his head, no he wouldn’t call him, Uru must have called Shigure.

“Yeah that’s it! I saw him on the phone this morning!”

“No, someone called here remember? Uru must have called Shigure to ask to come over.” Kyo made a face.

“That’s just stupid! We haven’t heard from him for over 6 years and now he suddenly decides to come over?!” Shigure peaked through the door at the 4 sitting arguing and then walked to the kitchen; he didn’t want to face them just yet. He unpacked the jelly buns and assorted them on a plate, somewhat trying to ignore the rising volume of the debate. Smiling he walked into the room, only to receive some deathly glares. He laughed nervously and sat down at the table.

“Why didn’t’cha say that Uru was coming round?!” Screamed Kyo. Shigure laughed and lifted a jelly bun. He said hello to Haru and munched into the jelly bun.

“I see you’ve found out then. It’s because I knew you would all react like this…now….Jelly buns for everyone!” Tohru raised her hand slightly and murmured excuse me.

“Who is Uru? Is he a Sohma?” Haru nodded and took the towel off of his head, his hair was still dripping.

“Mm-Hmm, he isn’t famous though. Not many people know him cause he moved away from the main house when he was 14, most of us were young.” Tohru nodded.

“Oh what’s he like?” Yuki and Kyo were trying to ignore the conversation as much as possible.

“Um…well…Last time I saw him he was short……that’s all I remember.”

“You’re lucky! I remember every last detail about that annoying freak!” Yuki glanced at Kyo.

“You have no right to call anyone a freak.” Kyo growled at him but Shigure stopped the fight.

“Easy now, why don’t you tell Miss Honda about Uru Kyo? Since you can remember so much.” Kyo nearly choked on his bun.

“Okay that’s easy! He was short, fat-”

“Slightly overweight.” Corrected Shigure as he saw the look on Tohru’s face.


“Not the best looking Sohma boy.”

“-He stank-”

“He took care of some farm animals.”

“-Not to mention his freaky-assed mind!” Kyo ranted, almost shouting. Shigure sighed.

“He has somewhat…unique powers.” Tohru was amazed but at the same time not sure what to make of this Uru. She thought about it hard and tried to imagine him, what he would look like. The image in her head frightened her and she shivered.

“Are you alright Miss Honda?” asked Yuki, Tohru shook her head and smiled at Yuki.

“I’m fine….so when is he expected?” Kyo laughed.

“Probably not for another 3 days, he’s got a worse sense of direction than Haru! And that’s goin’ some!” Haru made a face and said ha-ha sarcastically, and took the towel again to try once more to dry his hair.


Uru walked slowly in the rain, it was repetitive and cold but he liked it. He had always felt that the rain calmed his raging soul, when it was raging. He looked up at the thick black clouds and turned his CD-player’s volume up to the highest it could go, he liked rain but not the thunder and lightening that followed. He stopped for a moment and looked around himself, trying to make head or tail of where he was, but everything was shrouded in a dark mist and he couldn’t see anything, save for a few feet in front of him. He scratched his head and walked forward, he would find it sooner or later, though his sense of direction was nil, he had a good memory and remembered a special tree that he had seen on his last visit more than 6 years ago. I’ve changed quite a bit since then haven’t I? I wonder what they’ll think of me, he thought as he trudged his way to where he ‘thought’ was Shigure’s house, he had seen the tree. He knew that Yuki would be surprised as Yuki had always made comments at the time; he knew he was a sweet boy and tended just to go with the crowd. He had proven this once:

Yuki walked over to Uru slowly, he knew he had hurt him by the terrible words that he had spoken. He was crying, he always cried although he was older and was supposed to be stronger and more responsible. Yuki knelt down beside him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry Uru, I really am. I didn’t mean those awful things I said. Honest…do you forgive me?” Uru looked up at Yuki’s big sad eyes, he knew that he was truly sorry, but he couldn’t help but feel the coldness of the child, he didn’t like it.

“Yeah I forgive you…but do me a favour Yuki, promise you’ll try to be happy from now on okay? I want you to be warm inside.”

Uru smiled remembering the scene, remembering the strange confused look that Yuki had given him. Yuki had always had that effect on him, it wasn’t that he didn’t like him, it was just the coldness he felt from him. Then again, it was at that time that he was experiencing his own difficulties and didn’t have the guts to help Yuki. Sighing he looked in front of him, a stretch of forest was before him, he was sure this was the way to Shigure’s house.


Kyo scratched his cheek while munching into yet another jelly bun; it had been almost an hour after the news had been broken and no one had said much since then.

“Is….Uru in the Zodiac?” asked a tentative Tohru. Shigure nodded sipping his tea.

“Yes he is, he’s a dog just like you and me Tohru.” She smiled.

“You’d better watch out though, he comes out with some odd things.” Said Haru quietly. Tohru tilted her head.

“Like, he feels strongly about some things so he’ll state them, or sometimes he over analyses things-”

“Or he just says something totally weird.” Interrupted Kyo. Tohru turned her attention to her feet and sat hugging her knees; she wanted to know more about Uru, what kind of person he was etc. She didn’t say anything though, knowing that it would only make the others uncomfortable and possibly start a fight. It was then that she heard the door and sprung up, hoping but somehow knowing at the same time who it was.

“I’ll get it!” she said and ran off to the front door, she felt butterflies in her stomach as she slid the door open. The man she saw before her looked quite menacing.

“Is….this the house of Shigure Sohma?” he asked with a deep unemotional voice. Tohru gulped.

“Uh-Um yes, it is.” The man stood there for a moment.

“Can I please come in? It’s awfully wet out here.” Tohru jumped and let him in. Once inside he took the earphones out and looked at Tohru, he smiled at her.

“My name is Uru Sohma, I’m pleased to meet you Miss…?”

“Tohru Honda!” exclaimed Tohru excitedly. He was nothing like she had imagined, he was very tall and handsome and had big beautiful eyes. He smelled fresh and underneath the smell of the fresh coldness was a nice scent. He was soft spoke and very polite.

“Ahh Tohru, what a lovely name.” He looked around himself. “My the place hasn’t changed much in 6 years….it’s really nice and warm in here.” He smiled warmly and took off his coat. Tohru gasped at how wet he was.

“You’re soaked to the bone! Shigure and the other’s are in the living room, I’ll go get you a towel.” She bowed and ran off. Uru shivered once she had left her and looked to the living room. Others? He thought as he looked in the direction of the living room, he took off his boots and squelched along the wooden floor, his socks were wet too. He grunted uncomfortably and slid the door open. He stared straight at Shigure, trying to ignore Yuki and trying desperately to ignore Kyo.

“Hello Shigure, remember me?” He gave a warm smile and tilted his head gently, causing specks of water to drip from his hair and land by his feet. Shigure stood up and walked over to him, shaking his hand.

“Uru is that really you? I can’t believe it, look how much you’ve grown and developed, I see you take after your mother.” Uru gave an awkward smile looked over at Haru. He smiled and Haru came rushing to him.

“Whoa, you’ve really grown up you know? I mean really, it’s quite amazing.” Haru was quite tall, but found that the boy when at the same age as him would only have come to his shoulders, was now a good 3 inches taller then him. Uru grinned and shook Haru’s hand, Haru smiled. Tohru walked in with 2 towels in hand and smiled when she saw the two.

“Aw, were they close before?” Shigure nodded.

“Yes, it’s doubtful that Haru would have come here if it was anyone else.” After parting with Haru, Uru sighed and looked at Yuki knowing that he couldn’t just avoid him; he felt the coldness from him and shivered.

“Hello Yuki, how are you fairing?” Yuki blinked and then stood up and walked over to him, bowing his head.

“I’m fine, it’s been such a long time since we last met Uru. You certainly have grown out of….well everything.” Uru laughed and nodded.

“I agree, I do know I was a bit of an ugly mutt in my teens, but I’m grown up now. Thank you for saying so I appreciate it.” Yuki smiled, he really had grown up a lot since they last met. He had grown into a fine looking young adult, sharing the Sohma family’s good-looks. He also had a different personality, well it seemed that way. Tohru handed Uru the towels and went off to get some tea for them, Uru sat down and pulled off his hat, revealing his dark, lush black hair. He ruffled a towel on his hair to dry it.

“So Uru, what are you up to these days?” asked Shigure.

“I’m a therapist. I also work in a preschool too.”

“That’s nice, is it good pay?” Uru stopped drying his hair and put the towel around his neck.

“Not really no, but I enjoy what I do.” Yuki looked at him, he didn’t seem the type who should be giving anyone therapy.

“So therapy, what do you do in it?”

“Comforting people and things, you know, that kind of stuff. Apparently I’m supposed to be quite good at it.”

“Oh that’s good, do many people want to see you?” Kyo was slowly boiling in the corner, he hated being ignored even if he didn’t like Uru he wanted to at least be acknowledged. He stared at the two talking, watched Tohru giving everyone their tea and sitting down and then saw Uru turn to look at him. He simply glanced and looked away. Kyo burst and stood up.

“Dammit talk to me! I’m here too ya know!” Uru glared at him coldly and then turned to face him.

“I know you’re here, I’m trying as much as my body will allow to ignore you, you idiotic cat. I must have forgotten that your small ignorant brain can’t process hints.”

“What’d you say you dumb mutt?! Why don’t you just go back where you came from and never come back!” Uru blinked and then turned to Tohru with a fragile smile on his face.

“Miss Honda? Would it be alright if I brutally murdered Kyo and buried him in the back yard never to be found again?” Tohru’s mouth dropped open slightly and she shook her head.

“Um no! No! I don’t think that’s a…a…very nice thing to do!” the smile faded slightly and he turned back to Kyo.

“You’re lucky that Miss Honda is here, or you’d be one dead cat.”

“You don’t have to listen to her! C’mon me and you right now! I bet you don’t have the guts to-” Kyo didn’t have time to finish the sentence as Uru had him by the throat.

“Listen, you may be my cousin and I may love you, but ever say something like that again about Miss Honda I will make your life a living nightmare….got it?” Haru and Shigure stared with wide eyes, as did Tohru.

“Um….what did he say bad?” asked Tohru innocently. Uru released Kyo and sat down next to her.

“Well, he said ‘You don’t have to listen to her’, which is stating that you are a lesser being compared to himself and that your opinion is not worth listening to, he was also stating that I should not have to listen to you either. Meaning basically that he thinks that you are a lesser being than me and also himself, this concludes that Kyo is a sexist pig.”

“How the hell did you get all that from one sentence!?” Kyo shouted. Tohru was beginning to understand what Haru meant when he said he over analyses things. She simply smiled.

“I don’t think Kyo meant all that.”

“Yeah, he isn’t smart enough for that.” Whispered Yuki.

“You say something rat?!” Uru frowned.

“Fighting in the presence of a young lady? Shame on you both. Yuki I didn’t expect this kind of behaviour from you.” Yuki’s mouth dropped open slightly and Kyo just huffed, turning himself away from the rest of them. Uru winked at Yuki and then smiled at Tohru. Yuki breathed a sigh of relief, now knowing that he was only saying these things to annoy Kyo. Tohru smiled nervously at Kyo and then turned back to Uru, who was staring into space.


“Oh? Sorry Miss Honda, I was daydreaming. What is it?” he smiled. She couldn’t believe this was the man that they were talking about earlier.

“Tell me all about you!” Uru looked a little taken back by this but smiled anyway; he scratched the back of his head, his cheeks flaring a little.

“Um….I really don’t know what to say. I’m just as you see me I suppose, I like comforting people and making them relax and feel good about themselves…I love children and oh! I like to draw.” He smiled shyly and turned away. Tohru liked him; he seemed like a really nice person. She had almost completely forgotten about Haru until he spoke.

“So are you okay now? Had no flare ups like before?” Uru frowned and turned his head away from him.

“I uh….I suppose so. Will you all excuse me I need to go to the toilet.” Standing up he gave a bow and walked briskly out of the room, even Kyo looked up from his huff to look after him. Haru sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, Yuki also sighed. Tohru blinked and looked between them, Shigure’s face hadn’t changed much and she couldn’t see Kyo’s.

“What’s uh….what’s the matter?” she asked concerned. Haru looked up at her with soft gentle eyes.

“He has a heart condition. Every now and then, his heart will spasm or he’ll have palpitations that’ll make him really ill. Sometimes….it’s when he gets sick that it happens. He’s always been quite frail in health because of it, I was surprised to see him so strong and fit looking. Hatori said that unless he got a pace maker the condition wouldn’t go away and he might die from it, he has an irregular heartbeat you see, that’s what’s causing all the problems. He used to black out a lot too….and now that I just got that reaction from him; I know he’s still sick….” Haru frowned slightly, his face sad “It worries me…” Tohru stared at him, trying to process the information; she put her hand to her mouth and felt like weeping.

“How….how sad….”

“Yes, but he’s always been like this you see. He was trying to save up for the operation when he left. I think that’s why he works so hard and his mother probably still works too….yes it is quite sad…” said Yuki taking a small sip from his tea. Kyo looked at the floor, he knew it to be true and couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, and it must have been so hard for him. He turned back to the group.

“We shouldn’t talk about it much while he’s here, he obviously doesn’t feel comfortable about it and we don’t want to stress him out.” The others nodded and waited patiently for him to reappear. He walked back in with a smile on his face, so soft and warm hat it made Tohru smile with him.

“I’m sorry about that, bladder the size of a peanut.” He laughed. He pondered for a moment, taking a sip of his cold tea. “I know….we could have a relaxation session later, to calm everyone down.” Haru nodded.

“That sounds like a pretty good idea, but I suppose it’s up to Shigure.” Shigure shook his head.

“No no, I’m quite happy about it, sounds like a pretty good idea.” Uru smiled; though he knew that Yuki and Kyo probably weren’t too keen with it, knew that they would probably only participate because he wanted them to. He had heard the talking about him, about his condition and it reminded him of the terrible experiences he had had. Brushing the feelings aside he stood up and bowed.

“Shigure. I’ll need an incense burner and some lavender scented candles….do you have them?” Shigure stood up and gestured to the kitchen.

“Always.” He sang. They walked out, leaving Kyo, Yuki, Haru and Tohru to talk.


Thankies! I hope you liked the first chapter ^^ it may be a while to the second one though cause I got a lot going on these days ^^’’


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