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Oct 07, 2005 18:46

Here is the second chapter to Broken:

All of a sudden I felt odd, really dizzy. Everything went black and I couldn’t see that’s when I felt a gentle nudging on my shoulder.  My father was looming over me smiling; I smiled back and snuggled down into the sofa disappointed.

‘Only a dream….how sad I must be….’

“Kenshi? I couldn’t wake you earlier so you’ve missed school. You can do whatever you want alright?”

“Thanks dad…” I rose from the sofa and yawned, wondering if I could phone Daroch.

“Dad? Can I go out with Daroch?”

“No, he came by after school to see if you were alright and I said you were sick. You can go out with him tomorrow if you want.”

“Oh…alright…what time is it?”

“Its 6pm, I’ve tried to wake you up god knows how many times but you weren’t having it.” He said and walked out of the room.

‘6pm….why did I sleep so long? Why do I still feel tired…?’

I thought and sank back onto the sofa. I closed my eyes for a moment and then got up making my way out of the room to go upstairs into my room. I wanted to go to sleep in my bed and dream of Daroch some more, although only dreams they were sweet and I liked them. Once I was in my room I looked over at the carpet where I had been sick, there was a stain and the room still smelled of it. I shook my head and curled up on my bed, wanting to sleep so badly now. Sighing, I pulled the covers up round about me and snuggled.



“You want to go to school today don’t you? Or do you still not feel great?”

“I’m alright….school? Is it that time already?”

“Yes, come on downstairs and get some breakfast, you haven’t eaten for a whole day.” I heard him say softly, giving me another gentle nudge and then walking out of the room. I sighed and got up sitting on my bed. I didn’t dream of Daroch and if I did I didn’t remember. Walking downstairs I found that I still felt quite weak and needed to hold on to the banister for support. My father was in the kitchen making his breakfast, I say making but I really mean pouring cereal into a bowl.

“How are you feeling?”

“Okay.” I said sitting down and eating a spoonful of my cardboard-tasting sludge.

“Oh….are you sure you want to go to school?”

“Yes.” The cereal was disgusting, but at this point I’d eat anything.

“Okay then…Kenshi…I’ve scheduled another appointment with the psychiatrist, I know you may be against it--”

‘God I hate this stuff…what’s it made of? Paper?’

“--But I think that you have been feeling a little sad lately…maybe it’s just hormones--”

‘Uh….this stuff is going to make me blow chunks….’

I thought whisking the mixture carefully.

“--Or perhaps you are having troubles at school or maybe with your friends--”

‘No….probably blow sludge…..’

“--I do realise that this is a difficult time in your life…and I know you feel you can’t talk to me--”

‘Ew…projectile vomiting…that’d be kinda cool actually…’

“--So you can talk to Simone, I know you like her and love talking to her.” I stopped whisking and looked up, hearing my Psychiatrist’s name.

“Simone? I’m going to see her again then….”

“I thought you liked her? You said you did.”

“Only because she was better than the last one.” I looked down at my sludge and sighed taking another spoonful.

“Oh come now…I’m sure she isn’t that bad.” He wasn’t even facing me; he was drying the dishes and staring out of the window. He didn’t know I hated talking to women, I couldn’t tell him either because I didn’t like talking to him. I knew that he liked her; he spent more time talking to her that one afternoon than he had spoken to me in about 5 years. I grunted and took another spoonful.

“Son…I know you don’t like talking to me, so it’s only fair that you should be able to talk to someone.”

“What’s the point in talking to someone I hardly know or like?”

“Well….maybe you should get to know her then? Make yourself more comfortable around her?”

“I don’t want to…I’m going to get ready now.” I said and got up, leaving the room in a hurry and then running to my room. I heard my father calling but I paid no mind, only slammed the door shut and jumped on my bed. I hated her, I didn’t want to go to her, I didn’t want to spend another 3 uncomfortable hours with her….but I couldn’t tell him that could I?  I hugged my pillow, trying to stop the tears from escaping from my eyes by closing them tightly. I got up and sniffled, getting ready hurriedly. I was hoping that he wouldn’t take me to school, but he did. I sat in the old dirty jeep and sighed, I had my walkman on and I couldn’t hear the awful music or my father. When the jeep stopped outside of the school my father stopped and put his hand on my shoulder, I simply stared at him and said goodbye slamming the car door shut and walking briskly to the school. I felt ill, so weak and tired but I didn’t want to spend anymore time with my father, I just wanted to sit in class and listen. I heard someone calling me over the music and I took my earphones out. It was Daroch, he looked bright and summery.

“Hi-low! How are you? Your dad said you were sick.”

“I was just tired, how are you? Did you make the team?”

“Nah, I only got Hasdave. I’m a little disappointed but still, it’s a good team! They’re going to Canada! I really wanted to go to Italy but Canada is alright uh?” he said walking with me. He was so happy all the time; I wondered what it was that made him so joyful. Sometimes he would be so happy he would sing and dance around like an idiot. I smiled at him.

“Second-best is great.”

“Yeah I know. Hey you look a bit pale, are you sure you’re alright? I don’t remember you being this pale before, except that time in class when you were sick all over Ross Tailor -- Hah! That was great! Cause then he was sick and all the girls in the class ran away!” I simply smiled at him.

“Yeah that was funny. I’m fine.”

“You sure? Your eyes are all blue underneath and your face is a bit pink.” I smiled at him embarrassed, knowing that my cheeks would be even pinker now.

“I’m fine I said. We’d better get to class.” I said and walked more quickly. He snorted and jogged to my side again.


Last class of the day wasn’t very good, it was a sub-teacher and he obviously didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. All of the kids were making fun of him and he was losing it, trying to be all mad but not really doing anything. I just listened to my music and worked on the next exercise, I was notorious for doing so, sometimes I would finish the whole book and the extension books and I could just sit there doing nothing. Sometimes I would sleep, but I liked listening to my music. I felt really ill, tired more than anything like something was draining me. I took my reading glasses off and rubbed my eyes.

“E---me -r----take-----of!” I had no idea what he had said and took out my earphones.

“Sorry sir, could you repeat that?”

“No I can’t you little shit; now get on with your work.” I raised my eyebrows.

‘So it’s like that is it?’

“You can get fired for swearing at a pupil you know.” I retorted folding my glasses and putting them into the case.

“I said get on with your work!”

“I’m finished sir.”

“Finished? You can’t be! Go onto the next exercise!”

“I’m finished that too sir.” He stared at me, not sure what so say, then he came storming over at me.

“Little liar! You can’t be!” I snatched my jotter from the desk and began to skim through the pages. He opened his mouth in disbelief and looked at me.

“I’ve finished the whole book sir.” I said coolly.

“You….you can’t have! You must be cheating!”

“There are no answers at the back sir, where would I be getting the answers from?”

“Liar! You’re cheating somehow!” he said slamming the book down. The whole class were looking at us, Daroch was staring intently. I don’t think I’ve ever been so rude to a teacher before, but on the other hand no teacher had ever been that rude to me. The teacher was staring at me, breathing heavily through his nose making his nostrils flare as he did so.

“Sir? Why don’t you just believe me sir?”

“Because you are piece of scum! I’ll take care of you myself!” My eyes went wide as he grabbed me by the collar and wrenched me from my seat. The other pupils stood as well not sure what to do. Daroch knew though, he grabbed the teacher’s arm that was held back to punch me.

“Don’t do anything stupid, or you’ll never be a teacher, you’ll probably be fired from being a sub too.” The teacher stared at him for a moment and then put down his arm, letting me go as well. I stood there for a moment, shaking terribly and then fell to my seat putting my head into my hands. The teacher retreated to the front of the class and Daroch knelt down beside my table.

“Hey its okay, the bastard’s gone now.”

“Th-Thank you…..” I muttered, and coughed. Daroch patted my back and then went back to his seat. I sat and stared out of the window, it was pouring down with rain, the sky dirty and black. I was walking home, I really didn’t want to now. I heard the bell ring and I walked slowly out of the class. Daroch was ahead of me, he was with some girl. Laughing and joking and sometimes making insane movements he made her laugh and he laughed. I felt jealous so I stopped walking so quickly and stared down at my feet. How I wanted to be with Daroch and touch his face and make him happy, but I knew he was straight, it was so blatantly obvious. Sighing, the appointment with Simone came into my mind, I tried desperately to get it out of my head but it was hard. I reached outside and no one was around. I began to walk towards the stairs when I saw Daroch at the stairs, it looked like he was waiting for someone, when he seen me he smiled at waved. I smiled back, I wasn’t paying attention though and I managed to fall down the last three steps. Daroch gasped and ran to me, catching me just in time. I stared at the ground, still trying to catch my breath.

“You alright?” I looked up at him panting. “Haha, stupid boy.” he smiled and pulled me straight. I yelped when I put pressure on my ankle, I must have gone over on it. I looked at him, at his beautiful amber eyes and his smiling happy face. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream. I felt my face crumple, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop it and I started to whimper. Daroch’s eyes went wide and he held me close to him, hugging me tightly and sheltering me from the rain. He put his gloved hand on the back of my head and whispered gentle words into my ear. I sniffled and snuggled into him, not really caring how embarrassed I was.

“What’s the matter? Is it your foot? Did you hurt it?” he asked slowly stroking my head. I nodded and tears ran down my face. It wasn’t my foot; it only hurt if I put a lot pressure on it. It was Simone, that teacher and also that girl.

“It might be broken; can you put any pressure on it?” I shook my head, just wanting to be held a bit longer. I snuggled into him making a small choking noise, closing my eyes. Daroch stoked my head again and hushed me.

“No it’s not is it? What’s really wrong? You can tell me.” I pushed myself away from him, the tears mingling with the small bullet-like raindrops batting down on my face. I wanted to tell him, but when I opened my mouth I couldn’t say anything and my bottom lip trembled. Daroch’s face changed to sad, he looked at me with empathy. He took my arm and put it over his shoulder, and we walked slowly in the rain.


Daroch said that my house was too far away for me to walk with my bad foot, so I would stay with him tonight and I could phone my father from his house. I hadn’t replied, too awestruck to speak. When we reached his house he lowered me down to the sofa and I sat there, I didn’t want to though because I was wet and I was getting his sofa wet. I saw the girl; she stared at me and then walked over to me.

“Hello, you’re Kenshi aren’t you? Daroch speaks of you all the time….you’re in my class right?” I nodded dumbly. She was his sister; I had gotten jealous of a brother loving his sister. I almost laughed but my other feelings dominated happiness. Daroch came in with a bag of ice; he laid it down on the ground and then gently eased my boot off.

“I think it’s just sprained…” he said as he took my sock off. It was a bit blue.

“Move it if you can.” He said and I obeyed. I could move it and if it was broken I wouldn’t be able to. He helped me put my foot onto the sofa and then put the ice on it.

“Thank you.”

“No problem! That’s what I’m here for.” He said and stood up. “I’ll get you the phone okay?” I smiled and he walked out of the room. His sister sat down on the sofa beside me and smiled.

“How did you do that huh?”

“I fell down some stairs….” I felt stupid now.

“Oh, that wasn’t very clever…say! Are you the boy that the teacher nearly punched today?” she asked excitedly.


“He was…stupid sub, I wonder what happened to Mrs Darcy?”

“Probably sick, I mean look at the weather.”

“That’s true.” Daroch came back into the room and handed me the phone. I really didn’t want to call my father; he’d probably drive over and pick me up. I sighed and started to dial, putting the phone to my ear.


“Hi dad, I hurt myself when I was leaving school and--”

“W-Where are you?! I’ll come right over and get you!”

“No it’s alright, I’m with Daroch. He said I could stay over.”

“What did you do?”

“Just fell down some stairs and hurt my ankle.”

“Oh….okay then…I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

“Alright.” I didn’t wait for him to say goodbye, I just pressed the off button. Daroch stared at me, his head slightly tilted. I nodded at him and he took the phone from me. I shivered as he walked past me; I was wet and very cold. When Daroch came back in he offered me his arm, I took it and he helped me up the stairs to his room.


“Do you want to sleep on the sofa downstairs? I’ll make you a bed up in my room.” He said smiling. I sat on a small chair at the corner of his room; I shivered again though his room was warm. Daroch handed me a night shirt and a pair of night pants. I looked up at him but he just walked away and closed the door, he was in his closet.

“You’ve to get changed.”

“Why are you in the closet?”

“You like privacy right?” I blushed at how sensitive he was being.

“Okay…just a moment.” When I was changed I hugged the clothes close to my skin, they were so soft and smelled sweet and delicious.

“I’m ready….thank you.” He came out and smiled. Walking over to me he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, in means to support me as I walked over to his bed. When we were sitting down, he stared at me.

“So…what’s troubling you?” I blushed and looked away, I wanted to tell him but I felt I couldn’t.

“Well….I suppose that thing with the teacher today freaked me out today.”

“Nah, that only adds to it, you haven’t been right all day.” He pulled my face toward his and looking into my eyes lovingly. “Tell me, tell me what’s bothering you.”

“It’s…it’s just…..” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. “It’s….it’s my whole freaking life!” Daroch wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me a little closer to him.

“Tell me.”

“Everyone’s convinced I’m a wacko! Everyone thinks there’s something wrong with my head……my dad especially. I really hate him sometimes! I wish he would just back off! I want to get on with my life on my own….” The tears rolled down my cheeks and I choked, I didn’t want to be so emotional…I never usually was but I was with Daroch, everything is different with Daroch. He pulled me even closer, so that my head was on his chest. Stroking my head, he gently pulled me closer.

“What else?”

“He wants me to go to a psychiatrist on Thursday….I don’t want to go! I don’t even know the woman; I don’t want to spill my heart out to someone that hardly knows my name!”

“That’s understandable.” He said as he rubbed my back gently. I felt much better then, I felt like a bottle with fizzy liquid in it and everyone just kept shaking and shaking me, but after talking with Daroch I felt like he had unscrewed the top and let all the fizz out. The only thing still shaking me was Daroch himself….but I couldn’t tell him, not yet. I savoured in the special hug we were sharing, hoping that it would last forever. He rocked me gently, and I just knew his eyes were shut, I just knew he was enjoying it as well. I snuggled into him and let him rock me, it felt so unbelievably perfect.

“Daroch! Dinner!” It was his mother. He let go of me and patted my head.

“I’ll bring you up some dinner.” He said and walked out of the room. How I wanted to hug him again, to feel his flesh on mine. I felt filthy again, but at the same time it felt good feeling this burning desire for him, for his body. I cringed as I felt an ache in tender regions; trying to subdue it I walked back to the chair and sat on it, putting my head back and drifting into hazed sleeping.


Okay that was it, next one soon
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