well umm...
today was a good day
- hopefully selling katie my car !!
- i love chris more,and i finnaly realized that i do need him and i belong with him
- summer school almost over and i have a 95 A
- its gonna rain,i love rain
so that sums it up thare,and for those of you who dont know,me and chris got into the biggest fight yesterday we've ever had.i used to think that i didnt really need him and that it was time to be on my own.but i realized the reason why i think i didnt really love him was just because i was scared to love him.mainly because of things that all happend in the past.anyways when we were fighting a said its over.and he looks at me with tears in his eyes and says your leaving me?and i say yeah.then he says you cant leave.and i say why?then he says because i need you,i love you,and i want to be with you forever.then i cry and say nothing last forever.then he says then i want to be with you as long as i possibly can.
you guys,you have no idea how hard it was for me to look at him cry like that.i changed my mind 5 minutes later because i finnaly realized that this is real and i do love him,i need him,and that this could last forever.i love him guys
and im not afraid now.