Jun 02, 2008 00:08
People who i last expected to rub me the wrong way,
just did today.
honestly, if you got something to say, say it the RIGHT way, because i'm not afraid to call you out on it.
i don't appreciate anyone getting smart with me. no bullshit.
i'm tired of people's child like minds. f***** grow up, folks!
and no, they don't know what's going on inside my mind, so don't think for me.
all i ask is to be respected for what i believe in and the words that comes out of my mouth. i don't judge you, so don't you dare judge me.
and another thing!
why are some individuals SO DAMN JEALOUS?!
if there is no reason to be,
then don't be,
don't let something so stupid ruin somthing so beautiful.
i don't have time to be playing games at this time in my life, or ever.
if you're here to play games with me, then get the f*** out of my life.
i don't need you,
and i sure as hell don't need the drama.
thank you and have a jjoe wifjs jfkdls jxklv good night!