Feb 05, 2008 19:23
I'm hardly home during the evenings sooo, im taking this time to w r i t e. i may write in complete sentences, i may write so inconsistently that you'd probably want to stop reading, whatever the case is, i'm writing and thats a big deal. (=. right now im listening to suffocate by j h o l i d a y. Juno is probably one of the b e s t movies i've seen in the past few months, hell.. y e a r s. i'm in love with the man of my dreams and i'm not afraid to s c r e a m that out. envious, much? (=. i'm f i n a l l y learning the meaning behind "the value of a dollar". there should be no conditions where a person is treated like a piggy bank, especially the l o v e d o n e s. they work hard for the money, and even harder to save it. life is moving on, but i am so far from being ready its scaring the living crap out of me. my tolerance plungered down, waaay down, but i'm not complaining.. call me the o n e h i t girl. i've fallen in love with a r t, p u r p l e, and s i l k (for my bedroom that is). my room is going to look amazing! i need a hair cut, bad. i've been trying to look for the p e r f e c t heart locket to hold the photos of my love, my niece and my nephew (i think i've found it), just got to save up for it. i miss my girlfriends )=. i think God tests me every now and then, he should.. He keeps me on my toes (in a g o o d way).
i love you, mama and daddy. (i have to point that out because they d e s e r v e it)