Apr 30, 2006 23:03
well, today has been great.
woke up feeling the need to go bowling in the monthly medals. haha. so i messaged to sports i/c to give me a place in today's match. and guess what!? he said, "sure, no problem!" wahaha.
so i went for brunch with my darling husband, and burned my throat as a result cos of the mad spiceness of the claypot frogs. wahaha, yes, it's delicious and i'm beginning to love it :)
after that, met up with my brother at parent's place then took a cab down to the club.
and boy! am i glad or am i glad to have bowled today! haha. i got ladies' second (with food voucher of $20), and that alone is enough to shut all the old bitches up. haha, my aunty was feeling so proud cos she hates them too. and mum was in an extremely good mood, so she gave me $30 for winning. haha. not a lot lah, but over a long time, i'll earn quite a bit. wahaha! i mean, c'mon, every month i get $10 more from the previous month... hahaha! last month, for coming in first, i only got $20. haha! imagine next month and the following.. wee-o-weet! lol.
came back and suddenly there was like a party going on. there were satays, stingrays!, carrot cake, food aplenty! lol. then with the money that i won, i bought ice cream for everyone. lol.
i'm feeling rich lately, don't know why. it's like i can go shopping every week, spend more than $100 in less than 2 hours and still have money to go again the following week. wahaha! every single wednesday, i'll be out somewhere, shopping for godknowswhat. hahaha.
yesterday, sean and i were discussing about 'upgrading' our wedding dinner menu and decided to go ahead with it cos i liked the dishes better in that menu. haha! i'm a glutton! mum says i won't have time to eat.. and i asked why. sean said it's because we have to go around taking photos and stuff, then i said, "we'll just take photos with them when they arrive, then we don't have to go around, then i can eat my fill!" haha! am i smart or am i smart? don't expect me to be going round, in the cliche table-to-table photo-taking. I HATE THOSE THE MOST! i still like candid shots the best. WAHAHA!
oh yes, mum also told me to start hunting for bridals gowns, and hairstylist, and make-up artiste, and erm.. a few others that i can't remember now.. haha. anyone interested in signing up!? lol.
the same yesterday, i suddenly become very worried, over how i look. i was flipping through magazines, reading about wedding stuff.. and i started feeling.. INFERIOR. i was thinking, will i really look good in a bridal gown? hair beautifully styled? make-up down in the timeless look? honestly, even now as i'm typing, i'm still unsure.. sigh. oh wells. i'll get over it. hahaha!
oh yah, question! is it a MUST to wear make-up on your wedding night?? haha. i've been asking that question since forever and all the answers i got.. they're all the same.. YES, OF COURSE! so is it really a must???
oh yes, my driving test is in 2 weeks time. and i can't to pass it. wish me luck!!