Title: Strangely Normal
Characters Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack and Ianto go to dinner and a movie.
Written for the
tw100 prompt: Reverse Fandom: Eighth Doctor Adventures. Episode title: The Face-Eater
When Jack had asked Ianto out on a date, Ianto thought Jack would do something dramatic. He'd almost expected to come home to his flat and find a naked Jack laying on satin sheets, instead they had gone to a movie matinee and dinner.
The din of the restaurant made Ianto feel strangely normal.
As Jack licked a cake-covered spoon, Ianto smiled. Ianto pulled Jack close for a kiss and smelt chocolate on Jack's breath.
Ianto had almost forgotten that he and Jack were still in the restaurant, until he heard, 'Mommy, Mommy! That man's eating that other man's face!'