Snippet: I Took This Bus

Jan 19, 2009 11:28

Title: I Took This Bus
Fandom: Due South
Characters: Fraser/RayK
Rating: PG
WordCount: 200
AN: Post-CoTW
Written for the slashthedrabble prompt: Hard and this slashtheimage prompt:

Ray stood outside the tent and watched the sun set. It had been a hard day and Ray could barely keep from yawning, but he wanted to enjoy the fading sunlight. The sky was the same gold color as the honey Fraser would put on his french fries. Just one more way Canada was different from America; Ray was pretty sure they didn't have gold sunsets in Chicago.

Ray took a deep breath. The air was so cold it made his teeth hurt, but he barely noticed. Fraser was warm and solid against him. Fraser was saying something about sunlight being scattered by dust particles and the ray path of the setting sun. Ray just let Fraser's voice surround him like a soft blanket.

'Ray path' made him think of 'Ray's path'. Ray liked the sound of that. His life seemed like a long, twisted path. A path that lead him to Fraser.

Ray didn't know if he and Fraser would find the hand of Franklin, but at the moment didn't really matter; Fraser's lips were rough against his neck.

Once, Ray's life had changed after taking a bus to a bank, this time Ray was taking a dog sled.

snippet, due south, fraser/rayk

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