Title: Cold (fanfic and fanart) Characters: Fraser/RayK Rating: G Word Count: 1,347 Summery: Ray hates the cold. An: For Vickitub who wanted snuggle fic
Omg this was like getting a big cuddle, thank you for this fic, I was feeling cold but now I am all warm and snuggle like, . You seriously made my day, you should write lots of fics like this, you are really really fantastic at them xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Even winters in south-western Ontario are cold and wrapping myself in one of my mom's hand made afghans only helps so much since I still need one free hand for the mouse. I wish I had a nice warm Fraser or Ray to snuggle up to on a cold day or evening. Thank you for the lovely story.
Thanks. I want a Dief to snuggle with, not only is he warm but he's also soft and fluffy.
'Even winters in south-western Ontario are cold and wrapping myself in one of my mom's hand made afghans only helps so much since I still need one free hand for the mouse.' I know the feeling I live is Michigan
Comments 6
'Even winters in south-western Ontario are cold and wrapping myself in one of my mom's hand made afghans only helps so much since I still need one free hand for the mouse.'
I know the feeling I live is Michigan
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