Title: The Ears Have It
Character/Pairing: Jensen/Misha
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own
Summary: Misha favorite Jensen body part are Jensen's ears
Notes: Written for the
jensen_misha February Drabble-fest: Love: Prompt 01:03
If Misha thinks about it, which he does when not thinking about how to rile up his minons, he would have to say that his favorite Jensen body part is Jensen's ears. Of course Jensen's lips are perfect for kissing and his elbow is always fun to lick, but it's the ears that have the real character. The right one is slightly longer that the left one and the left one has a small brown freckle on it that just begs to be nibbled on.
Misha hums as sucks in Jensen's earlobe and Jensen laughs. Yep, definitely his favorite part.