friday, i saw the draper caper. i had fun. as usual, i hung out with matt this weekend. i havent done any work. i watched troy. so, thats my weekend.
hm..a little survey thingy i felt like doing instead of doing something productive...
Name: Sydney
Backwards: Yendys
Does your name mean anything?: i think it came from old english/french origin for a riverside meadow..
Were you named after anyone?: mom went to school with a girl named sydney, and she just liked the name..that doesnt really mean i was named after her..
Nickname: Syd, Australia, Dumbass, Hey You!...take your pick...
Screenname: crossxmyxheart10
Place of birth: brookwood hospital, b'ham alabama...if you'd like to get specific..
Current location: pinson, AL
Religion: im a christian, more specifically, methodist, and how ironic i get to this question after i was thinkin about how rarely i go to church...
Height: 5'3"
Shoe size: 7 or 8
Hair color: medium brown..notice how i put the 'medium' to make it more interesting...
Eye color: gray/green
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: righty..just like most of the population...
How old are you mentally?: 23 and a half...well, thats actually the first random number i thought of...
Describe yourself in 5 words: I am alive and kickin'
What are your worst qualities: indecisive, bitchy, i could keep going...(as in, i could keep going about my bad qualities..not, 'i could keep going' being a bad quality..heh)
What are your best qualities: i can keep going..heh, but seriously, open minded, shannon says im funny, but.i dont tell me about my good qualities, eh?
Do You Have...
Any sisters: sure do, 2 of them, shannon and savannah
Any brothers: nope
Pets: 2 cats ( Gabby & Gordy), and a dog, (Heidi)
A disease: yes, the symptoms include waking up in the morning, this annoying rising and falling of my chest, this 'lub, dub' sound in my chest, also..oh wait..nevermind...but seriously, i dont think i have a disease, unless its something causing the seizures, which im happy to say, i havent had any more of since around thanksgiving..*knock on wood*
A pager: nope
A personal phone number: no, well, other than my cell phone, no
A pool or hot tub: yes, a pool, but, its rather green at the moment, could be confused for a swamp....
A Car: yes, but she's broken..her name is bridgette...not than i can drive her anyway...*is angry*
Describe Your...
Personality: eh, im not gonna get started on too much to describe...ha, seriously, how can you describe your personality on this little survey? hm?
Driving: non-existent
Car: '93 buick skylard..old lady car..old lady name=bridgette..
Room: well, not so good at the moment...seeing as how my old room i cant be in because it floods in the downstairs of my now im sharing with my sister...
School: HELL!
Relationship with your parents: pretty good
Do You...
Believe in yourself?: its sad, the moment, not really...
Believe in love at first sight?: hm.complicated..but, sight, implies just seeing, that implies just physical attraction, love involves more than just physical attraction, so, is it really love? not to me, atleast...i dont know, maybe im readin to much into it..
Consider yourself a good listener?: i think so, yes
Consider yourself a good friend?: yes, i'd like to think i am..
Get along with your parents: most of the time..but, since i am a teenager, we do have our disagreements..
Save your e-mail or conversations: only if im gonna need it later or its important..
Pray: everday actually...ha, bet you didnt think that, huh?
Like to make fun of people: well, its not like a hobby of mine, but if the oppurtunity arises, then yeah, if i said no, then you know i'd be lying..cause you know we all do it...
Like to talk on the phone: not normally, but sometimes...
Like to drive: damn you and all your driving questions...
Eat chicken fingers with a fork: not normally, no
Type with your fingers on home row: yeah, sure, i was a good keyboarding student..
Sleep with a stuffed animal: i have a few that sit on my bed
What Was/Is (or Are)...
Your dream car: hmm..well, i like celicas..
Your dream date: hm..well, im not sure..cause choosing is a hard
Your dream honeymoon spot: somewhere in Europe..yes, i know broad idea, but, im indecisive..
Your dream husband/wife: i'll let you know when he proposes and i say yes, pretty much whoever i feel i can be the happiest with the rest of my life..thats such an over-used word...happy...
Your bedtime: usually between 10 and 11..unless im doing an unecessary homework assignment...
Under your bed: um..the floor?
Your bad time of the day: 8:00am-3:00pm...ha..well, really, mostly the morning..
The hardest thing about growing up?: corny question, but, um...i dont know, growing up..
Craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: well, when you have crazy friends, you do crazy things..
The worst feeling in the world?: eh, being told you arent good enough, but, you're best friend is...thats pretty sucky..
Number: uh..infinity..if that counts as a number
Color: red...or green..not together, but..yeah, i'll stop is a nice plain color..
Day: saturday
Month: any month in the summer, or october..
Movie: The Lord of the Rings movies, Napoleon Dynamite, Zoolander...and i like good horror movies..
Food: fried okra..well, i like a lot of food, obviously, but that was one of my favorites that popped into my head first..
Band: Incubus, Dashboard, Yellowcard, John Mayer (so, he's not really a 'band' persay, but, you can't mention my favorites in music without mentioning him)
Season: fall
Sport: um, i like to play basketball, watching football is ok..
Teacher: HA! chambers, i suppose..
TV Show: hm..i dont watch too much tv..but, whose line is it anyway? or,
Store: um..hmm..i dont have a favorite store..i have many...
Animal: i like horses
Flower: hm, i like roses, yes, again, overused, but i like them..
Love + Relationships...
Do you have a bf/gf?: yup
Do you have a crush?: well, no, unless you say that the crush is reciprocated..wait, is that a word?
If you're single...why are you single?: well, im not really sure why im not single, but hey, im not complaining things are going well..
How long was your longest relationship?: this one is heading towards 6 months right now..
How long was your shortest relationship?: last one was about, 5-6 months..damn my memory..
Who was your first love?: well, my previous 'loves' were more like infatuations, that was just me being an obsessed little girl really...but, i guess, the real answer would be Matt
What do you miss about them?: nothing, im happy with my relationship now
The Past...
Last thing you heard: shannon talking
Last thing you saw: the tv screen, shannon's video game
Last thing you said aloud: life is but a dream
Who is the last person you saw?: shannon, she wont leave me alone, heh
Who is the last person you hugged?: shannon, yet again
Who is the last person you fought with?: savannah
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Matt
What is the last TV show you saw?: Spongebob
The Present...
What are you wearing?: Yellowcard t-shirt and jeans with a huge hole in the ass..ha, its ok, i didnt leave the house today..
What are you doing?: this thing, talking online, and talking to shannon, and singing everynow and then
Who are you talking to?: cori and matt online, and shannon, who is sitting right here
Where are you?: downstairs
How are you feeling?: a little bit tired, and lazy
Are you in a chatroom?: nope
The Future...
What day is it tomorrow?: Monday..blah...
What are you going to do after this?: who knows..take over the world, sleep, do some work for tuesday...except, the last one, would be the least likely...
Who are you going to talk to?: probably my siblings, and continue the conversations i have going online..
How old will you be when you graduate?: highschool, 18...i hope..ha, as far as college, i dont know..
What do you want to be?: i dont know, might go into law..
What is one of your dreams?: To have a job that i enjoy and make good money doing it..for those of you that just thought prostitute, you are, i was going to say something wittier than that, but i lost it..
Have You Ever...
Smoked?: no..
Stole?: yes...someone's heart...HA.
Hit someone?: well, yeah..if you lived with savannah, you would too..self defense..she is violent..
What do you most like about your body?: my eyes, or my smile...
Do you think you're good looking?: not really...
Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: if they're matt, they do..
Do you look like any celebrities?: i dont think so, you tell me?
Do you wear a watch?: no, i lose my watches..or break them...
How many coats and jackets do you own?: i don't know, maybe about 3..
Most expensive item of clothing?: would probably be some pair of shoes or something..i dont really know..or well, actually, probably that dress i just bought...
Describe your style in one word: mine
How long does it take you get ready in the mornings: ..30-45 minutes..depends on if i take a shower or not..maybe an hour..i mean, i am a girl...if decide to just put my hair up..i can be ready in about..15 minutes..
Do you write in cursive or print?: print..i hate cursive thanks to middle school for forcing us to write in it..
What piercings do you have?: my ears and my belly button..i want my nose done..
woo, so thats a bit