About You:What is your full name?:Lauren Elizabeth Volentine When is your Birthday?:May 7th Where were you born?:Glen Cove Hair Colour::Brown Eyecolour::Brown Height::5' 3'' Weight::...hmm..? siblings and names::none. glasses/contacts::nope peircings/tattoos::yup have you ever had braces?:nope Favourites:Colour::pink and black Holiday::uhm... christmas? band::uhm... Matchbook Romance song::Promise tv show::Viva La Bam movie::A Walk To Remember video game::DDR stuffed animal::the pink pig angelica gave me for Christmas person::uhm... Benji? food::uhm... i liek ice cream animal::kittens... when they're small, lazy, and DECLAWED thankyouverymuch scent::uhm... vanilla cereal::Trix cartoon::Invader Zim website::uhm... bzoink? Do You:have a job?:yup... play an instrument?:not well... like to sing?:yup have a cell phone?:yes have a crush on someone?who?:yes and im not telling exercise daily?:...if DDR counts.. have more than 5 tvs in your house?:no like school?:yes Have You Ever:snuck out of the house?:yes cried to get out of trouble?:no, thats pussy gotten lost in your town?:no... unless i was drunk been anywhere outside of canada?:i've never been to canada in the first place stolen anything?:yup had a serious surgery?:no cried over a boy/girl?:all the effin time done drugs?:some drank?:durrr got into a fist fight?:yup been in love?:yes ran over an animal and killed it?:..no, ya sick fuck broken a bone?:yup gotten stitches?:no bitten someone?:all the time Whens The Last Time You:saw a movie in theaters?:uhm... about 2 sundays ago? with Jordizzle had a party?:i havent had a party since 5th grade got sick?:uhm.... really sick was christmas time.. cursed::5 mins ago was annoyed? by who?:liek 5 mins ago, by my kitten cried?:uhm... 24 hours ago drank alcohol?:urgg.. a month ago... :( This or That:fruit/vegetables::fruit plz black/white::black guys/girls::guys <33 pillows/blankets::pillows boxers/breifs::boxers night/day::night sunrise/sunset::sunset<3 summer/winter::summer meat/vegetarian::meat pants/shorts::pants headache/stomach ache::stomach ache cake/pie::cake chocolate/vanilla:chocolate Friendship:how many friends do you have?:idk... alot? who are your closest friends?:emmie have you ever liked oneof your friends?:ya, the guys are awesome... i've liked at least three of them, at least once have you ever lost a friend?:yup. whats the nicest thing you have ever done for a friend?:uhm.... i dont know... whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:uhm... i given me a purple heart... [samma] what friend have you known the longest?:shauna how often are you with your friends?:atleast 5 times a week Love and such:Have you ever been in love?:yes with who?:tristan are you single/seeing anyone/in a long term relationship?:single. whats your idea of the perfect date?:uhm... idk whats the best thing about the opposite sex?:idk... people all ave differences... i guess the fact that they're all mostly unique whats the best experience you have had with the opposite sex?:uh... do you think love is a load of crap?:no... i believe in a thing called love. [i had to do it, lmao] whats your definition of love?:feeling so much emotion for someone that you cant shut the fuck up about it I:love::benjamin want::love need::air am::Lauren feel::tired hate::flakes miss::you would rather::die am tired of::liars am annoyed by::yuppies will always::love you Would you Ever:sky dive/bungee jump?:yup not take a shower for a week?:no ask someone out?:ya lie to someone to make them think better of you?:no visit a foreign country for more than a month?:yup go scuba diving?:no write a book?:yup become a rockstar?:ya Last Questions:did you enjoy this survey?:...not rly say something nice about the person who sent it to you::uhm... what time is it now?:11:15 AM are you bored?:yup any last words::fuck you
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