Oct 25, 2004 18:32
well so much for relationships, i feel like everyone is against me:
- mom: don't lie to me about your english test! seriously, i think there should be a tiny bit more trust than that - - im seriously like the perfect child..so im tired of being treated like im satan or something even worse.
- dad: i never try hard enough and im sorry i dont like to be yelled at for something, when im trying and giving it my all...you say i dont have any confidence - maybe i would have some if you stopped verbalizing your putdowns...you make me feel like crap and i literally cry everytime it happens..im tired of it.
- maggie: i dont care anymore, seriously, our friendship can be over..your right im rude, and im not even worth associating with, or even talking to..remember im satan. And im sorry that you dont understand me and im sorry that you have to have things your way no matter what and get pissed at even a slight suggestion..save your time by not posting to object to this..we're finished.