It's Mommy time

Feb 27, 2010 18:51

Wooooo-hooooo! The kid's in bed early! Time to get some fic writing done : )

Twenty-nine hours, ten minutes and counting....


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isdon_isgood9 February 28 2010, 01:09:50 UTC
Good Luck.

My muse has offically stopped working and is sitting in the corner and mocking me, so hopefully your muse is better than mine.


love_is_epic February 28 2010, 01:20:27 UTC
Hee! Thanks!

Do you want me to come over and kick it's butt for you?? I will you know : )


isdon_isgood9 February 28 2010, 01:58:05 UTC
Hmm I don't know. The mocking has stopped but that's only cause it decided it wanted to sleep, lol.

Seriously though it seems to be doing ok now. I had a friend come and stay for the weekend and he reminded me why I started writing fan fic and since he left I got 300 words out on my spring break fic, so its all ok, I guess. However my gangster fic is going no where and is not being entered into round 6 of vmfic_gameon because it no where near done, lol.


love_is_epic February 28 2010, 02:01:50 UTC
Well that's good news at least : )

Yeah... I'm working on my gameon round six fic, too. It's no where near done but I"m trying my best right now. We'll see, though.


isdon_isgood9 February 28 2010, 02:22:02 UTC
Yeah, its better than nothing :)

I'm very glad your working on your fic. I can't wait to read it, whether you enter it or not :)


love_is_epic February 28 2010, 04:32:20 UTC
Awwwhhh! Thanks! : )


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