Title: Searching For Life- Chapter Four (5/7)
love_is_epicRating: R
Warnings: What can I say? Logan and Veronica have real potty mouths this time around.
Word Count: 6222 this chapter; 28,238 total.
Characters/Pairings: Logan/Veronica, Logan/OFC, Keith, various others.
Spoilers: Goes AU during 3x13 (Post-Game Mortem).
Disclaimer: I do not
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Yeah, it's epic... I like to take that to the extreme. I think it fits Logan and Veronica so well. Plus, I tend to be a little melodramatic with my writing if you couldn't tell, lol : )
I'm really thinking that the next chapter shouldn't take too long. I have another fic I'm going to get the next chapter out on, before this one. I have a feeling, I'll have more time to write in the future, though, so that's good.
Yes, there is only two chapters left - at least that's how I have it planned. I tend to get a bit wordy sometimes so you never know ; ) I have had this thing outlined from the beginning so I've known all along how it's going to end. In fact, the last chapter already has like 2000 words. I tend to skip ahead when the muse strikes and then go back and fill in. I will tell you that the scene that the next chapter end on, was the scene that this whole fic was built around. I had it in my head and wanted to make a story it would fit in. This monster came about from that, lol : )
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and telling me how much you enjoy it. It really means the world to me!! : )
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