[Everyone minus Heather who is taking the pic<3]
This was a really awesome weekend! Got to hang out with practically all my friends, my baby, & got into no trouble & not even too bad of hangovers [haha].
Friday night went to the talent show with everyone to see the HOMAGE perform.. haha. it was really funny, but i think they did a really great job. Sorry I didn't get any pictures of that, they were moving around way too fast to catch them in my camera.. lol. Then we went to M-Rod's party afterwards. Started off.. slow but eventually a lot of people came & it was a really good time.
Saturday Orla had a BBQ & it was really cute.. Went to publix & got a buncha food & then had Parker grill up some hot dogs & stuff on the grill. Fun! ♥ It was an all-day affair [including Orla getting drunk to go to a military ball... hahaha.] Saturday night [while orla was @ the ball..] a bunch of us hung out at Parker's .. played some drinking games & saw bobby's awesome new car =) & then we managed to break into Orla's house [haha, not quite..] & started a little pre-party before she got home. Everyone stayed the night & it was a great wasted time... I don't remember taking half of these pictures, tho!
I ♥ all my girls & i had a great time with my sweetie<3 AP exam tomorrow tho!! :(
Juliana & I @ M-Rod's..
Parker & Hagel = Drunk boys ♥
Rob & Lindz
H-Dog & I ♥
Heather, Yvonne, Me, & Lauren
Ashley & I ... & wow. Do i look drunk. lol
Girls! It took me about 10 tries to figure out how to turn my flash back on to get this freaking picture
Action shot? lol. Don't even remember that.
Kristin, Me [covered by the beer] & Annie
Orla.. tied up. Drunk & trying to escape. lol
Don't even know... Good shot of Aidan's nostrils tho. lol
Weird pic? lol, but i love my baby!
Aww! Sweeties! ♥
Pre-throwing up Chris..
Heather: "Wow Chelsea, you look really drunk in this one.." lol. Thanks for establishing that!
Chris & Orla
I'm guessing Orla's cheek tasted good.. lol
Drunk graduate!
Drunk boys
.. Hope all the pics loaded. Thanks everyone for a great great weekend & thanks alot to Orla for offering up her house for so much this weekend. <3