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Mar 03, 2005 21:24

This week went by really quick! Yesterday night was the Magic Game, in which Parker & I got to go down on the court before the game & sit on the sidelines while the Magic warmed up & then form a 'tunnel' with a few other people & high five the team as they were announced.. We got our names announced & photos taken too. Haha, it was fun. =)

This weekend will be another fun, relaxing one .. Nothing too exciting. Next weekend is when my parents & PL's parents go out of town. I'm really looking forward to it.. Saturday day is SATs for me, So Parker & I will probably just take an easy night on Friday [hopefully], & Saturday i'll have some people over, i think. It'll be good times. Havin' my baby over for the night again. ♥

Spring Break is in only two weeks!! I am so excited ... Not only for the cruise, but after the cruise i'm probably staying in Miami for the weekend with Parker & his mom - so Parker can look @ the school & we can enjoy the beach & shopping! What a great way to end SB ... No daytona drama this year. =]

And Prom.. all the plans are made out, thankfully. Being the huge planner I am, I definietly had to get on it before i started stressing.... Limo, Dinner Reservations, & Hotel is all taken care of. I'm really glad my 'rents are being so cool about letting me stay out. =) We're staying at the Doubletree Suites.. I stayed there in NYC a few years ago & it's a really really nice hotel.. the pics online are pretty hot too. Woo. I'm so excited! [Thanks Heather for helping me with #'s & ideas & everything. ♥]

Tomorrow is pedicure & tanning after school.. & then evening with my bayba. Maybe some dinner out & a movie or something relaxed. Then Saturday morning is Millenia mall prom dress shopping for Orlaith & Lauren! Gotta pick out some hot dresses for my girls! & i'll have my $100 paycheck so i may buy a few things, too.. =]
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