Where troubles melt like lemon drops...

Aug 06, 2004 02:18

I hate being sick with these fucking stomach aches. But I especially hate that I get them at the worst possible for times. Field trips, Greg's Cape house, and right before productions...just to name a few. *sigh*. So here I am, 2:20 AM the day of opening night, watching The Wizard of Oz. I should probably be watching The Wiz, but that movie freaks me out. DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD! WHICH OLD WITCH? THE WICKED WITCH! Sorry. I heart this movie so much. Know what I don't heart? THIS! *points to stomach*. And I have Summer Nights stuck in my head because Kyle said he feels like Danny Zucco in his monkey costume. So we all started singing that song. And there you have a typical rehersal for us. *glares at screen*...our munchkin song is better. So there. Do the lollipop kids scare anyone else? Good. Sorry if you've never seen The Wizard Of Oz and don't know what I'm talking about. But most of you have, I'm sure. Even if my boyfriend and my bestfriend havn't. Yes, you. *stares at Allison and Greg*. Just kidding my loves. "WHO KILLER MY SISTER!?!". Frankly, I prefer "I'D KNOW THOSE TACKY PANTYHOES OF HERS ANYWHERE!". But that's just me. I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too! Oh! Kylee was at rehersal tonight! I was all happy and stuff. Anyway. I believe I'm done rambling now. Oh um. I need to be at Thacher in er, 15 hours to do a show or something? Yeahhhhh. So I'll do the responsible thing. Fill out a survey and hope my stomach stops being mean. Nighto.


Name: L-dawg. :o)

Birthday: Es el siete de octubre.

Zodiac sign: Heyyy baby, what's your sign? *sigh*. I do this every survey.

Siblings: Matt-17, Kim-11.

Pets: Griffey, my dog.


Piercings: Ears.

Tattoos: Nada.

Height: THIS.TALL.YAY! ___________________

Hair color: Blonde, but it changes.

Eye color: Brownish.

Glasses: Yep. But I don't wear them. Ever.

Righty or lefty: Righty, for most things.

Innie or outtie: Innie.


Your heritage: English, Irish, Hungarian. Yeahhh bitch.

Your hair: Past my shoulders now. Gets really blonde in the summer and people think I dye it but I don't.

Your eyes: Light brown/honeyish...is what people say.

Your perfect pizza: Chicago-style sausage. In Chicago, because I miss my cousins.


Current location: On the couch in the living room.

Clothes: A blue New York tank top and pink shorts. I picked them out myself tonight, which is why I don't match.

Make-up: I don't wear makeup during the day, why would I at 2:45 in the morning? Which reminds me. I have to get all my stage makeup together. Hurrah.

Taste: Nothing.

Hair: Wavy. Just took my braids out.

Annoyance: My tummy. :o(

Smell: Nothing, really.

Thing you ought to be doing: Sleeping and not being sick.

Fingernail color: Just plain. We're not allowed to have our nails painted during productions. Hrmf.

Desktop picture: There is none on this one, it's the family laptop. Ba ba ba boring.

DVD in player: The Lion King.

Worry: The fact that I can't sleep, I feel like crap, and there's a show tonight. But other than that...I'm just peachy.

Crush: I hate this question. Considering most of you know by now.

Shampoo: Paul Mitchel.

Favorite celebrity: Rider Strong. *insert drool here*.


Movie you rented: I don't even know. Why rent when you can TIVO!

Movie you bought: Hrmf. I don't knowwwww.

Movie you saw: In the theater? I, Robot. Mmm. Will. <33

Song you listened to: "If I Only Had A Heart".

Song that was stuck in your head: Summer Nights.

Song you've downloaded: I don't remember. Kazza killed my computer.

CD you bought: The Wiz soundtrack I think. Wow, that was a while ago.

CD you listened to: A mix Matt just made me.

TV show you've watched: The Proud Family. Hence the reason I have a movie.


Had a nightmare: Two days ago.

Said "I love you" and meant it: Yesterday? I think.

Ate at McDonald's: Last week with my girls. <3

Dyed your hair: Sometime in 7th grade.

Brushed your hair: Before theatre.

Washed your hair: Around 6:00.

Cried: Last night. Last episode of BMW. Aw.

Called someone: A few days ago. Greg's not home. Haha.

Smiled: Just now. I love the lion. :o)

Laughed: At Tyt many times for a bunch of different reasons. When am I not laughing there?

Talked to an ex: At Tyt earlier.


You touched: Troy. That sounds wrong. Sorry.

You talked to: Allison, online.

You hugged: Troy. Which is why I touched him. Yeahhh.

You SMS'd : Pardon? *feels stupid*.

You yelled at: I havn't yelled at anyone in a while. Probably my sister.

You had a crush on: Define crush...?

You kissed: ^.^

Who broke your heart: I think we all know this one.

Person that called you: Greg.


Your most overused phrase: "Hey crazy" or just "crazy", or some variation of the sort.

Your thoughts first waking up: Fuck off. ^-^

The first physical feature you notice in the opposite sex: OOH WINGED MONKIES! REPRESENT! Sorry. Smile.


Have a boyfriend or girlfriend: Yep.

Have a secret crush: No?

Remember your first love: Yeah...

Still love him/her: Nope. Well, we're friends now, and I'm kind of glad. It's just fine that way.

Consider love a mistake: Nope.

Wish you could live somewhere else: Eh. Norton isn't as bad as it use to be to me. I'm kind of use to it.

Think about suicide: Think what about it?

Believe in online dating: Not really. It's not practical and it's kind of a waste of time.

Want more piercings: Not really.

Want more tattoos: Er?

Drink: Specify, crazies.

Like the taste of alcohol: Never had it. *feels lame*.

Do drugs: Nope. Why bother?

Smoke: *above*.

Have sex: Not right now? That sounded suggestive. Haha.

Like cleaning: When I'm depressed.

Like roller coasters: Yeah.

Write in cursive or print: Print.

Carry a donor card: No.

Cuss: Yeah. I'm trying to cut down.

Take a shower everyday: Usually.

Want to get married: Someday.

Type with your fingers on the right keys: I hate this question. It brings me back to bad HOME ROW amd TYPE TO LEARN memories. *shudder*.

Get motion sickness: I get everything sickness. Sigh.

Think you're attractive: Nope.

Care about looks: Not really.

Think you're a health freak: Haha, no.

Get along with your parents: Usually. Sometimes. Kinda.

Play an instrument: Guitar. Somewhat. I havn't picked it up in a while. Ehhh. Adam would shoot me. After he chugged 4834782354753 cups of coffee.

Sleep with stuffed animals: Nope. Just my blankey. Shudddupp.

Have a dream that keeps coming back: Not really.

Read the newspaper: Sometimes.

Have any straight friends: A good 95ish percent are.

Pray: Yes.

Go to church: Yeah.

Have any secrets: A few. But everybody does.

Talk to strangers who instant message you: When I'm bored and I feel like confusing 6th graders.

Wear hats: Sometimes.

Hate yourself: Parts of myself.

Have an obsession: A few. Hehe.

Collect anything: Not really.

Have a best friend: Derrr.

Like your handwriting: Sometimes.

Have any bad habits: I'm sure you all could tell me a few.


In witches: *sings Wicked songs in head*. I know three of them. Glinda, Addaperel, and Evilene. Ba da pshhh.

In Satan: To an extent.

In ghosts: *above*.

There is life on other planets: If you want me to, sweety.

In God: Yeah.


Long distance relationships: Tried it. Doesn't work.

Using someone: Horrible.

Suicide: *shrugs*.

Killing people: It's...wrong?


Girls I have kissed: None?

Boys I have kissed: Two. Ah, to be a whore. Sigh.

Continents I have lived in: One.

People I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: Four..ish?

Scars on my body: *whistles*.


Drink alcohol: Nope.

Smoke: Nope.

Done a drug: Nope.

Made out: *doesn't feel like counting or sharing*.

Go on a date: I've never really been on a real date. That makes me sad. SOMEONE TAKE ME ON A DATE. Preferably Greg but whatever gets the job done. Haha, just kiddinggg.

Go to the mall: Yeah.

Been on stage: *thinks of how opening night is tonight* Eeee!

Been dumped: Nope.

Gone skating: Nope. I want to go skating really bad though! It's been so longggg. Someone take me on a skating date. Now. Kthanxbye.

Made homemade cookies: Yussss.

Been in love: :o)

Gone skinny dipping: Haha, no that was LAST MONTH. Just playing.

Dyed your hair: Nope.

Stolen anything: Margo and I each took half of a 50/50 raffle ticket from a basket backstage. So badass.

What do you want to be when you grow up: Your fantasy. OH.

What country would you most like to visit: England.

Hey I kind of feel better kind of! Wee! Tonight I get to see my Awwison. Along with Greg, Ben, Nate, Julia, Molly, Brianna Cote, and Erika. And my lovely cast, of course. Excitedness...GO!


PS-Holy shit that's a lot of people coming! Aw, now I can't screw up. Mannnn.

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