Fever [Two-Shot]

Feb 22, 2011 22:57


Changmin gives the bartender a wicked smile as the other man slides a shot glass across the bar at him.  The bartender- Changmin has yet to find out his name- winks and makes his way over to him.  Changmin blows a kiss and disappears onto the packed dance floor.  He can feel the other mans’ eyes on him as he walks, and makes sure to give him a show as he wraps himself around a beautiful man on the edge of the crowd.

“Who is it this time, Min?” The beautiful man asks, winding graceful arms around Changmin’s neck.  He laughs, pressing closer, chest to back before dipping his head to murmur in his ear.  He knows it looks like so much more to the bartender.  And he’s okay with that.

“Shut up, Jae.  The bartender, what’s his name?”  Jae laughs, hips moving with the beat as Changmin’s hands rest on his waist.

“That’s Yunho.  He’s pretty, Min.”  His best friend smiles over his shoulder, and Changmin grins, kisses him quick and friendly.  The music picks up and he glances over his shoulder to see the bartender- Yunho­- staring.  He dances a little closer, but doesn’t break the eye contact.  He still hasn’t gotten the reaction he wants, so he blows another kiss before mouthing ‘Your move’.    He laughs in triumph when Yunho throws his apron at another bartender before storming onto the floor and pushing through the crowd to Changmins’ side.  Jae gives him a knowing look before slipping further into the press of bodies.

When Yunho reaches him, Changmin smiles innocently as the other man grabs his arm in a bruising hold and pulls him from the floor.  It’s in his mind to ask where they’re going, just to rile him up a little more, when Yunho slips past the bar with him in tow and out through a back door.  They’re in a narrow, dimly lit alley and his back is pressed to rough brick.

There’s a level of self-satisfaction rising in him at the dark frustration in Yunho’s expression.  It rises when Yunho opens his mouth to speak, and shuts it just as abruptly at the feeling of cool fingers slipping under his shirt and up his spine.

Changmin smirks, leaning so close that his breath is on Yunho’s lips and is pleased when he takes the bait and kisses him.  Feels even better when Yunho takes the kiss deeper and presses him harder into the wall.  Yunho kisses him one more time before letting out a sigh that’s mostly frustration.

“I’ve got to go back in.  I don’t get another break before closing.  Come home with me tonight.”  His voice is rough, and Changmin wonders what it sounds like under normal circumstances.  He lets his fingers slide down, and hook in the waistband of Yunho’s jeans, smug smile sliding onto his face at the way Yunho’s eyes cross a little.  He kisses him hard once before turning and letting himself back into the club.  He hears Yunho blow out a shaky breath and smiles to himself. Gotcha.

When Changmin leaves, just minutes before the club is set to close, he makes sue to catch Yunho’s eye and gives a little finger wave.  He laughs at the mixture of want and irritation on his face.

Jaejoong meets him at the car a moment later, looking as pleased as Changmin feels.

“How’s the bartender, Min? Don’t think I missed the two of you disappearing.” Jaejoong arches an eyebrow as he gets behind the wheel.

“You’re such a girl, hyung.  He kissed me.  But I’ve got him.  Who was that little brunette you had wound around you?”   Jaejoong gives a pleased hum before lighting a cigarette.

“His name is Yoochun.  He’s positively gorgeous and he has these collarbones.  I’m in love with his collarbones, Minnie.   And he’s almost as pretty as you.”

Changmin snorts, shoving Jaejoong.  Jaejoong laughs, flicking the butt of his cigarette out the window.  The sun is rising as they climb the steps to the apartment they share, and Changmin hasn’t got the energy to change out of his club clothes, and passes out face down on his bed.  He’s got a modeling gig in less than twelve hours, and he needs all the sleep he can get.

It’s one in the afternoon when he wakes up, and Jaejoong is long gone, working a lunch shift at the café down the street.  There’s a post-it stuck to his forehead, and Changmin groans, pulling it off and squinting until his eyes clear enough to read it.


I had to go to work, and I wasn’t going to wake you.  I won’t see you before you leave for work tonight, but there’s lunch in the fridge.  Reheat it. Take off the tinfoil first, idiot.  Hit the make button on the coffee maker, it’s already set up for you.  See you sometime tomorrow, unless you’re up for clubbing again tonight.   Love,

Your ridiculously attractive and wonderful best friend

Changmin scoffs, before fishing his cell phone out of his pocket as he stumbles into the kitchen.  He texts Jae a quick thank you, and a scathing insult, before hitting the button on the coffee maker and finding some kimchi jjigae in the refrigerator.  He inhales his lunch before dragging himself to the couch for a quick nap.

An hour later, Changmin is showering and dressing casually enough that the wardrobe changes tonight won’t take too long.  This is a major job for him, modeling for a renowned photographer and a clothing company whose billboards line the streets.

He spends his night smiling, looking pouty, changing clothes so many times he forgets what he’s worn all ready, and by the time the shoot ends, it’s two in the morning. The photographer, Cho Kyuhyun, a slightly intimidating man despite his lean build and pretty face, is all ready reading proofs and promising to get in contact with Changmin within the week.  Changmin steps out of the building, hails a cab, and calls Jaejoong.

“Is that you just finishing up, Min?”  Jaejoong sounds sober, but Changmin hears the throb of the bass, and knows that will change in the near future.

“Yeah, it was a long shoot. But it went well.  Jae, I’m just gonna go home.  I’m exhausted.”

“Are you sure? Do you want me to come back?”  He can hear the concern, but it’s interrupted by what sounds like someone murmuring to Jaejoong, and his answering laughter.  Changmin shakes his head, figuring it’s that Yoochun guy, and knowing that Jaejoong would leave in a heartbeat if he said he wanted him to come home.

“Stay, hyung.  Have some fun, we’ll go out together soon.  Be careful, Jae.”

“Don’t worry so much, Minnie.  I’ll see you in the morning. Be safe getting home, I love you.”

“Love you, Jae.” Changmin hangs up, and closes his eyes.  He feels like he could sleep here, in the slightly dingy cab, and is eternally grateful that they pull up outside his apartment soon enough.  It’s drizzling, and he races up the stairs and into his apartment in a useless attempt to stay dry.  There’s another post-it note, this one stuck to the wall beside the light switch.

I’ve gone out, but I’m coming home tonight.  I’m sure you’ll call me, so this note is useless.  But you’re going to read it anyways.  Dinner’s in the oven, just turn it on.  Don’t burn the house down, I just cleaned it.  Love,

That extraordinary man who so kindly feeds you.

Changmin rolls his eyes, and wonders why Jaejoong is the way he is.  And is grateful when he finds Dokkbokki in the oven, ready to heat.  After he eats, he showers to wash all of the product they used at the shoot off, and collapses on the couch.  He should really go to bed, but there’s a drama on, and he’s comfortable.

He wakes up when he hears a key scraping in the lock, and quiet laughter on the other side of the door.  He doesn’t get up, and doesn’t plan to let Jaejoong know he’s awake, because he really doesn’t want to have to get off the couch at this point.

Jaejoong tumbles into the room after a second’s more difficulty with the lock, and Changmin vaguely recognizes the man he’s pulling behind him as Yoochun of the beautiful collarbones.  Jae shushes the other man, before creeping over to the couch and pulling a blanket over Changmin.  He turns back to Yoochun, walking into a kiss and maneuvering them down the hall towards his bedroom.  Changmin laughs a little before going back to sleep, happy enough to not be sleeping in the room next door to Jae tonight.

length: two-shot, genre: au, pairing: homin, genre: romance, fandom: dbsk, rating: pg-13

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