Beginnings [oneshot]

Sep 01, 2010 00:44

Title: Beginnings
Prompt: 038. "I want you to stay forever." Kibum/Eeteuk
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff? I think?
A/N:  First entry for the challenge, it's a little rough, but I'm getting into the swing of things :)
Summary: Eeteuk worries about his place in Super Junior after debut.
Word Count: 284

   Eeteuk sighs, rubbing ointment into cramping muscles.  It’s the end of another long day of rehearsal, and he’s sore and tired.  Kibum peeks his head into the room, somber face shadowed with exhaustion.

“Hyung, are you okay?”  Kibum ambles in, loose limbed and lazy after his turn in the shower.  His hair is getting long, and going curly at the nape, and Eeteuk can’t help but smile a little.  Kibum drapes himself across Eeteuks’ lap,  stretching and using the motion to steal the bottle of ointment from Eeteuks side table.  Kibum squeezes some lotion out, and begins rubbing it onto Eeteuk’s leg, nimble fingers massaging aching calf muscles.  He turns rich, dark eyes back up to Eeteuks face, arches an eyebrow at the anxious expression on his face.


“What if I'm too old for this, Kibum? I don't want this to end .”  Eeteuk smiles sadly at his dongsaeng.

“Hyung, we just debuted.  What are you talking about?  We have years to go, in contract.”  Kibum’s face is confused, and just a little hurt.  Eeteuk lets his hand run over Kibum’s side, soothingly.

“Kibum, they might decide I’m too old.  I might not be allowed to stay with Super Junior for very long.. There are already fans who think I shouldn’t be here, just because of my age.  The company might want to avoid that sort of negative backlash with a group that’s just debuted.”

Kibum frowns for a moment,  before leaning up and brushing a gentle kiss over Eeteuks cheek with a smile.

“I want you to stay forever, hyung.”  He unfolds himself and heads for the door, and Eeteuk is left on his bed, smelling menthol and feeling the ghost of that kiss burning his cheek.

rating: g, character: eeteuk, length: oneshot, super junior 100 fics challenge, genre: fluff, fandom: super junior, character: kibum

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