Jul 26, 2005 09:38
I think it's incredibly funny how one person's opinion can make so many people go bonkers! Just to clue everyone in on the situation, Alex isn't the only person in the country who thinks flying the Confederate flag is a celebration of racism. Although I don't necissarily believe that, because I know how most people fly it in celebration of their heritage, Alex and everyone else that isn't from the southern states is allowed to have an opinion on that matter. You don't have to agree with it and you don't have to read his journal. Personally, I don't think people from the northern states understand what that flag means to people in the southern states. Slavery was a part of history and even though we can look back on that now and see that it wasn't right, we can't change the mistakes in our past. We just learn from it and move on.
But just think about it this way, it's those few people that fly the flag out of racism that give everyone else the bad name. Maybe all of you should be upset with them and call them dirty names because they are tainting your flag. Everyone in this world thinks differently and has a passion about certain issues. We do live in a free country and we do believe in free speech. I know when we all started talking about racism and how you shouldn't be allowed to say the n-word, most of you argued the whole idea of free speech. I think the same applies in this situation.
You're all allowed to have your opinion on this matter, just like everyone else. But don't you guys think that there's a better way to go about it then insulting each other and using stereotypical referances to try to make each other look bad? This goes for all sides, not just one. Just think about it like this...we're all adults. We're all passionate. But we should all be able to have a debate without stooping down to the same level as a middle schooler.