Sep 04, 2005 17:14
so, i've been watching VH1 for like the past hour or so.
and the show thats on is about aids.
it brings tears to my eyes.
and let me tell you this is one of the saddest things i've watched in my life.
i know this is stuff you hear about in some way or another every day, but when you actually see it on tv, see death, illness and poverty at its worst it kills you.
watching someone preparing a book for her children so that when she dies her children will know their family history.
watching all the children at thousands of orphanages, seeing the look of eternal sadness in their eyes because their parents have died...some of them being orphaned as much as three times and not wanting to get close to anyone because thay fear that whoever they get close to will just die on them.
watching a baby be born, hiv positive.
watching a 40 year old man, who looks 65, on his death bed because they cant make him better.
watching women in madagasgar have to become prostitutes, despite the high risk of getting aids, just to provide for their sick children.
6,000 people die every day from this.
seeing all this makes you re-think and re-evaluate your life.
it makes you see how good your life is, and how much you take for granted every day.
we have a stable and clean roof to live under, running water, electricity, food up the ass, and floors under our feet.
there people live in shitty ass villages, in shacks which are basically 4 big pieces of wood with a little roof over them, dirt under their feet, little food and water, and sewage and filth running through their roadways and streets.
i cant even begin to imagine what it would be like to live like this.
and i feel truly sorry for these people.
i wish there was something i could do.
something major i could do to help.
i wish i could go to africa and at least just visit them.
just see a smile on their face for once.
i wish...
i wish...
i wish...