Okay, so I will post something. It has been x-posted to
depression. This is for all of you, and it is true.
You are not fat.
You are not ugly.
You are not stupid.
You aren't what he tells you you are.
You aren't what she tells you you are.
You aren't what they tell you you are.
You aren't the bad things that you tell yourself you are.
You are human.
You have infinite value in an otherwise inert world.
You have endless light.
You are one and only.
You have warmth.
You are incredible.
People who don't love you just don't know you.
You aren't wrong.
You aren't a sinner.
You aren't going to die of SARS or mad cow disease or West Nile Virus or killer bees or terrorist bombs.
You are a perspective and you carry with you a great universe.
You are worth knowing.
You are beautiful.
You are cool.
You are funny.
You are fun.
You are smart.
You are attractive.
You have a great personality.
You have wonderful eyes.
You have a great haircut.
You do not need to hurt.
You do not need anyone's hate.
You do not need anyone's neglect.
You are better than that.
You are not a face in the crowd.
You are not a number.
You wear the right clothes for you.
You smell nice.
The world is better with you in it.
People are better for knowing you.
I am better for meeting you.
Your effect is essential to this universe.
Without you, there would be an irreplaceable hole.
You do not need to be like him.
You do not need to be like her.
You do not need to be like them.
You are not a bad person.
You are not your past.
You are your present.
You are everything you should be.
You have done everything you can with the hand you were dealt.
You have done a good job.
You are doing great.
You are human, and you have infinite value.
Thank you
From everyone who hasn't said it
from everyone who can't
from those who have hurt you
from deep inside your self
from the world
from God
from the very atoms and suns
and from me:
Thank you.