Shipping Meme

Sep 22, 2008 17:22

Six ships you like:
  1. Naruto/Gaara (Naruto) the current love of my life.
  2. Phantom/Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
  3. Booth/Brennan (Bones)
  4. Zuko/Aang (Avatar)
  5. Daniel/Betty (Ugly Betty)
  6. McGee/Abby (NCIS)

Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:
  1. Bakura/Ryou (YuGiOh!)
  2. Bakura/Thief King Bakura/ Ryou (YuGiOh!)
  3. Ren(Len in anime)/Yoh (Shaman King)

Three ships in your various fandoms OTF that you can't stand:

10. Sasuke/Naruto (Naruto)

11. Zuko/Mai (Avatar)

12. Neji/Gaara (Naruto)

Two ships you're curious about but haven't actually started shipping:

13. Shukaku/Gaara (Naruto) it sounds weird but it could work…possibly.

14. Sasuke/Gaara (Naruto)

  1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?

It seems too contrived. Mai is shown having a crush on Zuko but he just ignores her in favour of chasing after Aang, who he definitely has a crush on no doubt. I’m a Zuko/Aang shipper so I hate seeing Zuko with anyone else (Katara being a popular person for him to be paired with) but seeing him with Mai especially makes my skin crawl. Zuko being lovey dovey with Mai is just so wrong it defies words.

  1. Who is someone you know that ships #13?

As far as I know there isn’t anybody. Well, maybe one or two people. I’ve searched for fics and found about three. ‘Tis rather disappointing.

  1. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? 

An office romance that involves murder, bones, catching bad guys and dealing with ‘squints’. So basically what the show is now but with them actually together instead of there being lots of sexual tension. 
  1. Which is your favourite episode for #1?

I don’t know the episodes off by heart but I think Shippuden 30/31 is the best. The whole bringing Gaara back to life and then the handshake and Gaara smiling. Plus, I think it’s in Episode 30 where if you use your twisted fangirl powers of reading between the lines you find that Chiyo tells Naruto to marry Gaara. It’s done in a rather roundabout way but it’s there I swear! 
  1. How long have you been following couple #6? 

Pretty much since I began watching NCIS and McGee became a main character. Why did the romance have to go away?

  1. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? 

I left the YuGiOh! Fandom. I found other pairings that I like (NaruGaa) and I didn’t have time for any other pairings. Plus the manga and anime ended so I had no new material to fuel my love. Besides, I only liked it because it was a crack pairing and thought it would be fun to see if I could actually make it plausible in a story. 
  1. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? 

That’s a tough one. I guess Phantom/Christine because the Phantom really should have had his happy ending. Zuko and Aang are also shown to get along as friends but the Phantom and Christine are meant to be lovers.   
  1. You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12 

Another hard one. On the one hand SasuNaru is way too overdone and some fics are just appalling. On the other hand I hate NejiGaa because I don’t like Neji (don’t know why but I do) and Gaara should be with Naruto. So I’ll destroy SasuNaru because half the time people only pair up Neji and Gaara because they need a side pairing to SasuNaru. No Sasunaru, no NejiGaara.

  1. What interests you about #14? 

They’ve both had traumatic childhoods and when they meet they both have a lot of anger inside of them. They could understand the other’s pain and maybe help to ease it. I’d like to see if they could have a relationship without killing each other. 
  1. When did you stop liking #7?

Again, when the anime and manga ended and I got into the Naruto fandom. Plus nobody was updating existing fics and I wasn’t interested in reading new ones. 
  1. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?

I didn’t actually get interested in the pairing until after the anime had finished. Then I was like, “OMG they would make such a great couple…if Anna didn’t kill them.”

  1. What's a song that reminds you of #5? 

‘The Reason’ by Hoobastank because Daniel started off as really shallow and a total bastard but with Betty’s help he’s becoming a better person and now sees her as a person instead of just an ugly girl his father hired so he wouldn’t sleep with her.

  1. Which of these ships do you love the most?

Naruto/Gaara all the way. At least for now. I might find another fandom soon and then things may be very different.

  1. Which do you dislike the most?

I hate SasuNaru because it’s badly done and NejiGaara because I hate Neji but I wouldn’t read these two so it doesn’t matter as much. I’ll go with Zuko/Mai as my most hated because for some reason it is actually canon and I hate having it shoved down my throat.

  1. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)

Oh there are so many possibilities it’s hard to choose. But, since I can draw a lot of similarities between the two couples I’ll go Naruto/Gaara and Ren/Yoh. Gaara and Ren can talk about how they have a bastard for a father and get annoyed at Yoh and Naruto for messing about.

  1. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.

Yes, right at the end of the musical (because I go by the musical instead of the book) and it was so heartbreaking I cry every time I see it. Sometimes I even get teary just listening to the music.

  1. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?

No, Zuko got paired up with Mai and you kind of guess that Aang gets paired up with Katara eventually. That was disappointing but they got their happy ending in other ways. And they remained friends so there’s always the possibility they’ll hook in the end.

  1. What would make you start shipping #13? 

No idea. Maybe if Shukaku was released and got a body of his own? Or if he went back to inhabiting Gaara’s head. It’s really a crack pairing that I’m slightly fascinated by.

  1. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6?

I’m sorry but seeing as Christine already made her choice the happy ending goes to Abby and McGee.

  1. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

Naruto realizes that Sasuke is a bastard and runs off to Gaara and they live happily ever after. Meanwhile Sasuke gets bitch slapped by his brother and falls madly in love with him. But Itachi is already taken so Sasuke commits suicide and goes to hell for all eternity. Take that you traitor!
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