Aug 30, 2006 10:29
So is this picking up the pieces?
i feel like they're all here, i have them in my hands but theres no clear alignment and yet at the same time i have confidence that they'll end up creating something beautiful and orderly
out of incidents beyond my control i've learned exactly what i do have control over and that is beautiful.
things that give me some peace along with a rational view of everything
-my dad was and prescribed lithium...i'm not mad at him anymore, I loved him, but he'd been gone for a while...i don't feel a hole that wasn't there before, its just bigger and it covers more ground
-my mom loves me like no one else in this world ever will, and every time i talk to her i thank her for being exactly how she is
-other people don't know how to deal with my problems and true friends do their best to make me see how much they care
-Kerri is my rock
-all good endings are products of doing the right thing in the first place
-my rational side keeps me from breaking down
-some things never change
-nothing gets done on its own...i wish things did though
When I was first hit by all of this and angry about it I said to my mom "This is just another reason for people to feel sorry for me...I hate it when people feel sorry for me" I was frightened of that
i've realized that i've felt more love and support than anything though
and i'm thankful for it