(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 00:33

100 things you didn't know about me

1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Ochman

2. Last words you said to dad: See ya leter

3. Last song you sang: Beating hearts Baby by Head Automatica

4. Last person you hugged: Angela L

5. Last thing you laughed at: getting a firework thrown at me

6. Last time you said I don't remember: now....

7. Last time you cried: tonight, and seriously, sunday

9. What color socks are you wearing: none

10. What's under your bed: boxes,

11. What time did you wake up today: 5:30

12. Current Taste: water

13. Current hair: messy messy bun/ponytail thing

15. Current annoyance: my fan

16. Current longing: a Last Kiss

17. Current desktop background: sunset

26. If you could play an instrument: Guitar

27. Favorite colors: Blue, Pink, Purple

28. Do you believe in an afterlife? maybe?

29. How tall are you: 5'4 ish

30. Current favorite word/saying: none

31. Favorite book: Midnighters

32. favorite season: Spring

33. One person from your past you wish you could go back to how it was: Louis

36. What is your career going to be like: soemthing with Kids

37. How many kids do you want: 3-4, maybe more then that


39. Said "I love you" and meant it: yes

40. Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish? yeah

41. Been to New York: yeah

42. Been to Florida: Yeah

43. Been to California: Yeah

44. Been to Hawaii: Nope

45. Been to Mexico: Nope

46. Been to China: no

48. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yep

52. Do you have a crush on someone: More than a crush

53. What book are you reading now? none

54. Worst feeling in the world: When you know you can't have closure with someone, or feeling like something is going unfulfilled <--------------- What Liz said, and then: wanting, Hoping, and wishing on something you know you can never ever get

55. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: wish i was still asleep

56. How many rings before you answer: 2, or 1, mostly i wait on Caller ID

57. Future daughter's names: Morgan, Callista, Taryn, Laure, Aleit, and Soren

58. Future son's names: Noah, Ethan, Tobin, Darken, Westley, and Avery

59. What do you sleep with: A pillow and my stuffed duck which i lost

61. Where are you: Living room

62. Where do you wish you were: Back on the 23, Lauries lartie, surrounded by people who made me happy

63. Piercings: 1 in each ear


67. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Tail and Mane....

69. What clothes do you sleep in: Short red shorts, and a shirt from my sisters school

70. Who is the last person that called you: Laura

71. Where do you want to get married: Beach

72. If you could change anything about yourself, what would that be: being clingy and needy

73. Hate: i don't hate

74. Been In Love: i think so

75. Are you timely or always late: Depends, but i like being early a lot of the time

76. Do you have a job: Nope, maybe when school starts

77. Do you like being around people: most of the time

8. Best feeling in the world: knowing that someone out there really really cares about you.

80. Are you a health freak: no

81. Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: someone who can make me laugh and smile

82. Do you want someone you don't have? yeah

83. Are you lonely right now: yeah

84. Ever afraid you'll never get married: all the time

85. Do you want to get married: yeah

86. Do you want kids? yeah


87. Cried: yeah

88. Bought something: Yeah

89. Gotten Sick: Yeah

90. Sang: yeah

91. Said I Love You: Laura

92. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: yeah

93. Met Someone: Yep

94. Moved On: no

95. Talked To Someone: Yep

96. Had a serious talk: a lttile

97. Missed Someone: constantly

98. Hugged Someone: Yeah

99. Yelled at Someone: yeah

100. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: yeah

Anyone wanna come over tomarrow? Swimming?
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