Artist: Koide Mieko
Title: Ai ga Areba Toshinosa Nante
Genre: Drama, School life, Yaoi
Summary: [
MF Title: Junjou Karen
Genre: Drama, School life, Yaoi
Summary: Tamiya, a student whose honesty tends to be so blunt that it gets him in trouble, has fallen in love with Shirasaka, a teacher from his school. He's an excellent teacher, very caring and popular among students, but because of his dark past, there seems no hope for Tamiya to win over his heart. In the past, Shirasaka had a relationship with Iogi, his senior on the track team, and they were both in an accident which was Shirasaka's fault. Iogi became seriously injured and was forced to give up his athletic dreams. Since then Iogi has used Shirasaka's guilt to keep him close. Is there any chance for Shirasaka and Tamiya to be together? [
MF Title: Kiss ja Tomaranai!
Genre: Comdey, School life, Shounen-Ai
Summary: Wataru and Makoto are friends from their early childhood. They are recognized as the gay couple in the school, and while Makoto appears to be ok with it, Wataru is greatly troubled by it and Makoto's attitude. Since Wataru will not permit anything more than a kiss, the anxious Makoto visits his prep school teacher and tries to consult him about his problem. However, he's not aware of the danger that awaits him! [
MF Title: Koi no Tsumeato
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Yaoi
Summary: Kou and his lover Ao have been together for years, but that doesn't stop Kou from cheating on his lover whenever he's had a bit too much to drink. Ao, deeply in love and infinitely forgiving, always takes him back... but for how long?
Tada Mikuni is totally Kou's type... and it doesn't hurt that he's an amazing chef! But when a case of mistaken identity lands them in the sack for a one-night stand, the two of them find out they hate just about everything about each other and never want to see each other again. Unfortunately, they're forced together again when Mikuni agrees to stand in as the chef on a TV show for Kou's agency.
Meanwhile, Ao knows something that neither of them realizes: it seems they've met before... [
Vol.01 Vol.02:
ch6-9 ch10 Vol.03:
ch11 Title: Koi no Yamai ni Tsukeru Kusuri (Prequel to Kuchibiru ni Amai Doku)
Genre: Shounen-Ai
Summary: Naoki is a total fan of the famous and hot duo CROSS. Fate gives him a chance to meet his favorite singer and seems to be deeply in love with him...but his co-worker and friend is in love with Naoki so...things are quite frustrating for all of them... [
MF Title: Kuchibiru ni Amai Doku (Sequel to Koi no Yamai ni Tsukeru Kusuri)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Yaoi
Summary: Jin and Yuu are pop singers in the duo CROSS. They've always been friends, but lately things have become different. Yuu is determined to seduce Jin so they can always be together, but he's an idiot, so it's not going well. But whenever Yuu starts acting like over eager puppy, Jin can't seem to resist him. [
MF Title: Kuchibiru ni Amai Doku Doujinshi - Bridal Night
Genre: Doujinshi, Yaoi
Summary: [
MF Title: Netemo Sametemo (Sequel to Kuchibiru ni Amai Doku)
Genre: Yaoi
Summary: The most popular idol duo singers, Yuu and Jin of the CROSS, are lovers. Then, how in the world would Yuu have love trouble with his co-star actor, Kenzaki!? Finally fed up, a very frustrated Jin confronted Kenzaki and found out… What? [
MF Title: N.G!
Genre: Gender Bender, Shounen-Ai
Summary: [
ch1 ch2 ch3 Title: Shihaisha no Koi (Adapted from Junjou Karen)
Genre: Doujinshi, Yaoi
Summary: [
MF Title: Shinnyuu Kinshi no Koi
Genre: Psychological, Yaoi
Summary: Popular actor Kenzaki Shinya had a one-night stand with a youth who happened to be the agency’s newbie, Mizutani Sachi. Not only did Sachi become Kenzaki’s assistant, he’s also a big fan of Kenzaki. Though he despised Sachi accepting everyone’s invitation in bed, Kenzaki simply couldn’t take his eyes off Sachi-…Was it their destiny to love each other? [
MF Artist: Konami Shouko
Title: Shinobi Life
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Mystery, Romance, School life, Shoujo
Summary: Energetic and strong-willed, Beni doesn't care if she lives or dies as long as her death will result in embarassing her arrogant father! But one day, she suddenly encounters Kagetora, a ninja who's fallen from the sky and swears complete loyalty to her -- as her bodyguard. Kagetora has time traveled from a long, long time ago, and has devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni. Little does Kagetora know that this Beni is not the real princess... Can true love and honor survive after a centuries-long time warp -- in a crazy modern world? [
Vol.01 Vol.02:
ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 Vol.03:
ch10 ch11 ch12 ch13 ch14 Vol.04:
ch15 ch16 ch17 ch18 ch19 Vol.05:
ch20 ch21 ch22 ch23 ch24 Vol.06:
ch25 ch26 ch27 ch28 ch29 Vol.07:
ch30 ch31 ch32 ch33 ch34 (end of vol.7)
Artist: Kotobuki Tarako
Title: Concrete Garden
Genre: Gender Bender, Sci-fi, Shounen Ai, Supernatural
Summary: [Manga-updates]
MF Title: I'm Falling in Love with your Magic / Furimuku Dake de Anata Tsumi na Otoko
Genre: Comedy, Yaoi
Summary: [
MF Title: Sex Pistols
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, School Life, Shoujo Ai, Shounen Ai, Supernatural, Yaoi
Summary: Certain people have evolved from animals other than monkeys, and they can sense each other’s animal souls! Filled with love, romance, and even male pregnancy (?!?!), this boys’ love series is too crazy to be believed...which is why you’ll keep coming back for more! [
Vol.01 Vol.02 Vol.03 Vol.04:
ch16-18 ch19 ch20 ch21 ch22 Vol.05:
ch23 ch24 ch25 ch26 Vol.06:
ch27 ch28 ch29 Note: This was one of the first yaoi things I got hooked on. Anyway, not the point. I was totally out of the matter but my cousin had told me the publisher in care of Sex Pistols had shut down or something but while we were in Japan, we were surprised to find a magazine (I can't remember which, sorry) to be publishing Sex Pistols once more :D
Title: Tonari no Shibafu
Genre: Comedy, Shotacon, Yaoi
Summary: [
MF If some link gives you some error, try again after a while. I'm sure it's just another whim of MF. It does that all the time X3
Don't forget to drop by a comment. Knowing people are thankful is what makes me want to share anything to begin with ^^
Selling Anime over
here and mangas/doujinshi over
here :D
And accepting requests for plushies