So in no. 293, in the big series of Shibien flashbacks when Kyo and Kyoushirou are fighting in front of Aka-chan, we see Kyo meet Kyoushirou (with Sakuya) for what seems to be the first time, under the cherry trees, and they have their little duel in which Kyoushirou doesn't dodge because he doesn't want Kyo to damage the tree.
But, in no. 235, after the fight with Nobunaga (in Nozumo's body), when Kyoushirou is trying to run off with Yuya and Kyo tries to stop him, there's another Shibien flashback that seems to show the two meeting for the first time in a different setting. Kyoushirou is politely introducing himself by name and seems to be offering a handshake, and then Kyo says "From up here, it feels like everything I see is mine ... Kyoushirou" (
Sanada's translation, from And then they are both sitting under a tree, and Kyoushirou has a book, or maybe just some papers. And Sakuya doesn't seem to be there at all.
I guess the scene in 235 could take place right after the scene in 293, but it just doesn't look right. They're definitely wearing the same clothes, but perhaps most importantly, Kyoushirou doesn't have the shoulder wound (and the matching cut in his clothes) that he got protecting the tree.
So is Shibien mixed up? Is Kamijyo-sensei mixed up? Or is Cho just driving herself insane again?
- Cho