Feb 26, 2012 04:42
Sat, 13:42 : This wind storm has woken me up... Sat, 14:04 : The wind is so damn loud! Sat, 14:13 : @ xGiselleChoiseu Yeah, for a few hours then the loud wind storm just woke me up and has kept me awake for the pasts hour. I'm scared... Sat, 14:14 : Apparently, bridges are shaking from the wind storm... Sat, 14:15 : I feel like it's the Three Little Pigs and the wolf has a huge set of lungs... Sat, 14:16 : @ xGiselleChoiseu *hugs you tightly* But it's really really loud... Sat, 14:16 : I'm probably gonna end up staying awake... Sat, 14:22 : @ xGiselleChoiseu I'm a light sleeper. I can't sleep with earbuds in but I have my music on, & my baby brother is sleeping in my bed with me. Sat, 14:26 : Holy shit, this wind needs to stop! Sat, 14:35 : @ xGiselleChoiseu *hides under my covers* The radio said the wind won't stop till this afternoon... Sat, 14:39 : @ Moondoggy1_ I'm scared... Sat, 14:43 : @ MoonDoggy1_ I'm scared there might be a power outagee Sat, 14:43 : I wanna sleep... T_T Sat, 14:50 : So loud... So scary Sat, 14:55 : Oh god, its daylight... Sat, 18:15 : @ Moondoggy1_ 70-90km/h Sat, 18:28 : Ugh... This wind needs to stop... Sat, 21:50 : I want pink berry... Sun, 00:48 : Aahhhhhhh. Nail polissh chipped after 2 days... Sun, 01:26 : The wind storm needs to stop... Sun, 03:13 : Photo: slavetoaol: http://t.co/hSPInXyG Sun, 03:13 : Photo: http://t.co/9V6pZnl9 Sun, 03:14 : Photo: knottyknot: http://t.co/YRC3GJNE Sun, 03:14 : Photo: http://t.co/cgq0yhsI Sun, 03:15 : "‘This is for my kid; this is not for my career.’" - James Caan - when asked about his guest starring role... http://t.co/xVxZavjF Sun, 03:15 : Photoset: hawaiifive02012: http://t.co/YKJse2ne Sun, 03:16 : Photoset: http://t.co/PoTi5TVN Sun, 03:16 : I think I'm addicted to tumblr.... FML Sun, 03:16 : Photoset: http://t.co/3PzPrjgA Sun, 03:17 : Photoset: joji387: http://t.co/eOtiCBdZ Sun, 03:17 : Photoset: http://t.co/MMkeckbo Sun, 03:20 : @ xKalistaChoiseu Neverrrrrrr! Sun, 03:50 : Photo: http://t.co/HvX8rKqP Sun, 03:50 : Photoset: minimi-mango: http://t.co/e6Sz0oAx Sun, 03:51 : Photoset: joji387: http://t.co/kx3av97s Sun, 03:52 : Photoset: wildandwild: http://t.co/KtZDEBuv Sun, 03:52 : Photoset: http://t.co/37mTObHf Sun, 03:54 : Photoset: hollywoodbulletin: http://t.co/hosXlDy4 Sun, 03:54 : Photoset: http://t.co/h1JV4QYF Sun, 03:55 : Photoset: @ ImAKiddiePool I WANT HIM. http://t.co/XmjCN9LF Sun, 03:56 : r-mcweird: http://t.co/J8gydYBC Sun, 04:02 : Photoset: SO CUTE! even though i don’t like cats… http://t.co/tlCJKFXv Sun, 04:03 : Photo: I picture @ ImAKiddiePool in this. http://t.co/XYFGP3cG Sun, 04:06 : This tumblr addiction is bad... Sun, 04:50 : @ ImAKiddiePool -________- Sun, 06:06 : Photo: lovingdamonsalvatore: http://t.co/phxcxKgS Sun, 06:06 : Photo: http://t.co/NMTNBEpH Sun, 06:07 : Photo: http://t.co/zsrsWlya Sun, 06:08 : Photoset: http://t.co/lxVdoE6s Sun, 06:08 : Photoset: hello… http://t.co/Jhh2D3XD Sun, 06:09 : Photo: http://t.co/BP8CHCKi Sun, 06:09 : Photo: http://t.co/uKaBQwxj Sun, 06:09 : Photo: http://t.co/MAhsjV9M Sun, 06:38 : Watching last Monday's #TheLyingGame ! Sun, 06:40 : Screw you, Alec. #TLG Sun, 06:41 : "We Mercer sisters are tough." - Laurel #TLG Sun, 07:05 : Sutton is such a bitch. #TLG Sun, 07:10 : Why the hell would Sutton say such a thing! #TLG Sun, 07:15 : I'm kinda liking Rebecca again #TLG Sun, 09:03 : Photo: http://t.co/toaqntGl Sun, 09:04 : Photoset: http://t.co/KnCFHakC Sun, 09:09 : Photo: http://t.co/2wo5EGiD Sun, 09:11 : Photo: http://t.co/yiEz9tXP Sun, 09:12 : Photoset: http://t.co/P4pcIO5B Sun, 09:12 : Photo: http://t.co/bTxSYrK7 Sun, 09:12 : Photoset: › [SIRED TO DELENA] http://t.co/pBortIaz Sun, 09:13 : Photo: › Damon: I just have to say something. › › Elena: Why do you have to say it with my necklace? › ›... http://t.co/ELoSkcny Sun, 09:13 : Photo: http://t.co/5oUOhVgf Sun, 09:14 : Photo: http://t.co/iSCexeBf Sun, 09:15 : Photo: http://t.co/11dIiMAN Sun, 09:16 : Photo: danno http://t.co/TQerIX7U Sun, 09:16 : Photo: http://t.co/USLW7JLP Sun, 09:16 : Photo: http://t.co/iEz4zpMa Sun, 09:18 : Photo: http://t.co/x3m6qgSp Sun, 09:18 : Photo: http://t.co/3OfFYujw Sun, 09:36 : Photoset: http://t.co/HAbeqj5u Sun, 09:37 : Photoset: http://t.co/qZS3zUWj Sun, 09:37 : Photoset: http://t.co/4ekKtE8K Sun, 09:38 : Photoset: http://t.co/g8WicDGs Sun, 09:46 : Sutton Mercer, the Bitch. - I HATE SUTTON. How could she do that to her own sister?! What a fucking bitch! I... http://t.co/tB4tvHFL