I think I finally figured out how to out my musical pics in my journal for everyone to see so here you go and enjoy...
Emilie and Emily lol. Two of the featured dancers.
Christie and Taryan, Kristen B., Me, Katie C., Sophie, Stephanie and Michelle
Isaiah(spelling?) getting his dark make-up put on to make him look like and indian.
Kayla and Jewlie
Jewlie, Sam and Kelsey- i love all of you guys, you are all so nice.
Katie Dever- she is AWESOME!!! I am so glad I met you this year.
Kayle and Katie C. You are both two of my favorite people in the whole world.
Katie C. and Kristen M.- This is one of my favorite pictures.
Me and Katie C.
Alex and Katie D.- this is one of my favorite pictures and certain people know why. LOL.
Katie D. and Erica- I love this face, katie does it in almost all the pictures of her.
Maren and Chris- I'm going to miss you guys along with all the other seniors.
Parting Blessong = Bawling my eyes out.
Tori and Alyssa