
Jan 21, 2009 02:23

I'm kind of excited, because I'm finally desirable for internships.. regardless of who I actually am, the fact that I'm female, CS at one of the top schools in the country, a junior, taking harder classes, and networking at conferences and info sessions, seems to be helping me a lot.

I'm kind of freaking out though, because I'm still in the waiting process with three companies (Apple, IBM, Qualcomm), and need to start the interview process with three more (Google, Microsoft, Salesforce). Apple was supposed to get back "in a little while", a while ago, but it's still within reasonable time for them to respond.. although, I'm starting to lose hope. I'm a finalist for IBM ExtremeBlue, so I'm now supposed to sit in a pool of finalists and wait for someone to come along and find me interesting, and interview me. That's kind of nerve wrecking in and of itself. Qualcomm just interviewed me a few days ago, so I should be hearing back soon. Although whatever the decision, it should be fast and relieve me of worries.. if they don't want me, that's one less company I have to worry about.. if they do, there will be a deadline set, and I can talk to other companies to get stuff moving along. As for future stuff, Google and Microsoft interviews are next week back to back, and I'm suuuuper nervous. Because they're both notorious for really hard questions.. and I have a tendency to choke pretty badly during interviews. Salesforce is technically supposed to offer me another internship automatically, but I'm not sure if it's a guaranteed thing.

Soo, yeah. With so many companies interested in me, I'm kind of freaked about the possibility of none of them wanting me. Like, a kind of psyche out thing.. when all of them at the same time are like "JK! we don't want you.. peeeace!"

So wish me luck, I guess (or pray for me! if you're the type). And feel free to leave any interview tips, haha.. aside from "stop getting so nervous that you stop thinking and answer stupidly to questions" >_
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