entangled_now Works: 5 fics: Supernatural, Thor, Assassin's Creed 2, Doctor Who, Being Human (US)
Love List: old flame, sensuality, trust, lovebirds, blood is thicker than water
GloryFandom: Supernatural
Characters/pairing: Castiel/Balthazar
Prompt: old flame
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Death, blasphemy
Spoilers: 6x22
Summary: It's all a matter of perspective.
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
AssassinoFandom: Assassin's Creed 2
Characters/pairing: Ezio/Leonardo
Prompt: sensuality
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Ezio has always been adventurous.
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
LovebirdsFandom: Doctor Who
Characters/pairing: Amy/Rory
Prompt: lovebirds
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: "You missed the birth of a star, the birth of a star. A nice one too, very exciting, lots of pizzazz, quite a light show. Which you'd been aware of, if you hadn't been canoodling."
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
King of FoolsFandom: Thor
Characters/pairing: Thor/Loki
Prompt: trust
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Movie
Summary: "We're brothers, we will try to bruise each other until we're both dust."
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
And I Know The Way HomeFandom: Being Human (US)
Characters/pairing: Aiden/Bishop
Prompt: blood is thicker than water
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood, biting, suggestions of violence
Spoilers: None
Summary: There's more than one way to fall off the wagon.
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.