Prompts used - desire, unbreak my heart, middle square (sleeping baby), back for good, red roses.
Medium: Fanfic
Fandom: The Following
Pairing: Mike Weston/Debra Parker
Title: and the fever, getting higher
Author: helsinkibaby
Fandom: The Following
Pairing: Mike Weston/Debra Parker
Rating : R
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1157
fill: desire
desire Title: moving on (and letting go)
Author: helsinkibaby
Fandom: The Following
Pairing: Mike Weston/Debra Parker
Rating : PG
Spoilers: AU for the season finale.
Disclaimer: The Following and it's characters are the property of Fox and no copyright infringement is intended.
Word Count: 1899
Summary: Debra goes back to Serenity Hills, but she doesn't go alone.
Notes: for the "unbreak my heart" square on my Love Bingo card
unbreak my heart Title: The Best Start
Author: helsinkibaby
Fandom: The Following
Pairing: Mike Weston/Debra Parker
Rating : PG
Spoilers: AU for the season finale.
Disclaimer: The Following and it's characters are the property of Fox and no copyright infringement is intended.
Word Count: 1173
Summary: Debra and Mike think about mothers and children.
Notes: for the middle square (sleeping baby picture) on my Love Bingo card
sleeping baby Title: Back for Good
Author: helsinkibaby
Fandom: The Following
Pairing: Mike Weston/Debra Parker
Rating : PG
Spoilers: AU for the season finale.
Disclaimer: The Following and it's characters are the property of Fox and no copyright infringement is intended.
Word Count: 1311
Summary: Mike gets a surprise visitor.
Notes: for the "back for good" square on my Love Bingo card
back for good Title: The Last One
Author: helsinkibaby
Fandom: The Following
Pairing: Mike Weston/Debra Parker
Rating : PG
Spoilers: AU for the season finale.
Disclaimer: The Following and it's characters are the property of Fox and no copyright infringement is intended.
Word Count: 690
Summary: Mike sends Debra flowers on their first Valentines Day.
Notes: for the red roses square of my love bingo card.
red roses