Second BINGO! Horizontal

Aug 04, 2013 22:05

Fifth Bingo. Here we go!

Works: Five fics: 1 Cowboy Bebop and 4 Yami no Matsuei fics

Love list: Cherish, Trust, Pleasure, Vengeance, and the One

Tenshi Trail Shin Heart (Cowboy Bebop)

Series Summary:
The sequel of Tenshi Trail. It's the same, only a little darker. Enjoy!

Chapter Title: Tenshi Gift

Rating: T

Amanda meets Soot on the beach again in years.

Theme: Cherish


Ghost Doll (Descendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei)

Series Summary:
One of my favorite babies. Tsuzuki brings back the descendant of the Eda-Kimoto witch clan back from the dead to help bring them down and put an end to their murderous terror.

Title: Venus Butterfly

Novel Summary:
Fifteenth book in "Ghost Doll." One confession in San Diego, California from Anna's aunt, Allison, was all it took to trigger the Mother Kitsune to take over Anna's body to merge with her soul as the curse demanded. Now, Tsuzuki has to deal with a bitter, vengeful, oversexed kitsune controlling his wife's body while he finds a way to get Anna back. Meanwhile, new residents come into Meifu and shake things up. Also, Hotaru might get her wish of a new lover after all.

Chapter Title: Traitor

Rating: Y

As Hisoka is taken into rehab for treatment, he reflects on his bitterness from his bad trip.

Theme: Trust


Ghost Doll (Descendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei)

Series Summary:
One of my favorite babies. Tsuzuki brings back the descendant of the Eda-Kimoto witch clan back from the dead to help bring them down and put an end to their murderous terror.

Title: Venus Butterfly

Novel Summary:
Fifteenth book in "Ghost Doll." One confession in San Diego, California from Anna's aunt, Allison, was all it took to trigger the Mother Kitsune to take over Anna's body to merge with her soul as the curse demanded. Now, Tsuzuki has to deal with a bitter, vengeful, oversexed kitsune controlling his wife's body while he finds a way to get Anna back. Meanwhile, new residents come into Meifu and shake things up. Also, Hotaru might get her wish of a new lover after all.

Chapter Title: Honey-Flavored

Rating: Y

Tsuzuki comes home with the wish to forget about everything for one moment. To his surprise, Anna happily grants his wish. Surreal lemon chapter.

Theme: Pleasure


Ghost Doll (Descendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei)

Series Summary:
One of my favorite babies. Tsuzuki brings back the descendant of the Eda-Kimoto witch clan back from the dead to help bring them down and put an end to their murderous terror.

Title: Venus Butterfly

Novel Summary:
Fifteenth book in "Ghost Doll." One confession in San Diego, California from Anna's aunt, Allison, was all it took to trigger the Mother Kitsune to take over Anna's body to merge with her soul as the curse demanded. Now, Tsuzuki has to deal with a bitter, vengeful, oversexed kitsune controlling his wife's body while he finds a way to get Anna back. Meanwhile, new residents come into Meifu and shake things up. Also, Hotaru might get her wish of a new lover after all.

Chapter Title: Kitsune Megami

Rating: Y

Tsuzuki awakes the next morning to Daisuke's nightmare coming true-- the Mother kitsune has taken over and is now seeking revenge against Daisuke and the rest of the Eda-Kimoto clan.

Theme: Vengeance


Ghost Doll (Descendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei)

Series Summary:
One of my favorite babies. Tsuzuki brings back the descendant of the Eda-Kimoto witch clan back from the dead to help bring them down and put an end to their murderous terror.

Title: Venus Butterfly

Novel Summary:
Fifteenth book in "Ghost Doll." One confession in San Diego, California from Anna's aunt, Allison, was all it took to trigger the Mother Kitsune to take over Anna's body to merge with her soul as the curse demanded. Now, Tsuzuki has to deal with a bitter, vengeful, oversexed kitsune controlling his wife's body while he finds a way to get Anna back. Meanwhile, new residents come into Meifu and shake things up. Also, Hotaru might get her wish of a new lover after all.

Chapter Title: Blue Japanese

Rating: Y

Hisoka begins his therapy under Tana care and she digs back up the bitterness that Hisoka wishes that he could forget.

Theme: The One


My Card:

fandom: yami no matsuei, fiction: fan, fandom: cowboy bebop, ♥: trust, ♥: cherish, ♥: vengeance, player: noizchild, time: round 3, ♥: the one, rated: pg-13, ♥: pleasure, bingo: line (horizontal), rated: r

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