Vertical line through the middle Bingo

Jul 01, 2013 00:46

Meatball42, fics in Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock. Link to my card.
Love list: V-Day, Love Story, Picture of a beach, Romantic Getaway, Loved Ones
All ratings are G or PG, spoilers are noted at the fics

Title: One of Those Days
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters/pairings: Sherlock/John
Wordcount: 661 words
Author's Notes: Written for the comment-fic prompt 'Forgetting it's Valentine's Day,' and for the love-bingo prompt 'V-day.'
Summary: Sherlock is having a very strange day.

Title: Steps of a Slow Dance
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/pairings: Ianto/Jack
Wordcount: 2,114 words
Author's note: Written for the love_bingo square 'Love story' and for multiple prompts from my Study of Human Sexuality class, so help me God.
Summary: Three ways Ianto and Jack make a good couple, and a few reasons they do not.

Title: Fair Recompense
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/pairings: Ianto/Jack, Saint Peter
Wordcount: 528 words
Author's note: Written for the Beach square of my love_bingo card and the comment-fic ‘DIE FOURTH WALL, DIE!’ prompt 'Ianto arrives at the Pearly Gates and is sent back to give the viewers a steamy sex scene before he's allowed to pass on.'
Summary: Life works in mysterious ways, and the afterlife even more so.

Title: Shelter from the Storm
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/pairings: John Hart/Jack
Wordcount: 500 words
Author's note: Written for the who-contest prompt 'Bad weather' and the love-bingo prompt 'Romantic getaway.'
Summary: Two Time Agents are stranded on a beach.

Title: Conflicted, or Blues and Grays
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/pairings: Rose/Jack/Nine
Wordcount: 1,952 words
Author’s note: Written for the who_contest prompt ‘Rivals’ and for the 'Loved ones' square of my love_bingo card.
Summary: “He’s like you, but with datin’ and dancin’,” she’d said. She’d also said that she trusted him, but... that was before she knew just how flexible he was.

Mod: I don't have a player tag *bats eyelashes*

fandom: doctor who, fiction: fan, fandom: torchwood, ♥: v-day, rated: g, time: round 3, ♥: wild card, player: meatball42, ♥: romantic getaway, ♥: loved ones, fandom: sherlock, ♥: love story, bingo: line (through the middle), rated: pg

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